~ Kenneth L. Marcus – September 20, 2021 ~

 The United Nations will hold a major international convening on Sept. 22 to mark the 20th anniversary of its World Conference Against Racism, held in Durban, South Africa in 2001. In many ways, that conference has marked us more than we mark it. For supporters, it was an epoch-making event: an awakening about racism for a world then not yet “woke.” At the same time, it was what we might now call a super-spreader event, causing a new anti-Zionist variant of the world’s oldest hatred to go viral. This month, as we observe this anniversary of the worst post-Holocaust international manifestation of anti-Semitism, we must pledge an end not only to Durban but to the hate-filled worldview that it represents.

This year, the United States and some 15 of its allies will boycott this month’s high-level commemorative meeting, known as Durban IV, because of the anti-Semitism associated with the initial conference. Durban provided a platform for inflammatory speeches such as PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s accusations of the “ugliness” of “Israeli racist policies and practices against the Palestinian people.” At a parallel, U.N.-sponsored forum for non-governmental organizations, one placard read “Hitler Should Have Finished the Job.” Nearby, copies of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a classic anti-Semitic hoax, were available for sale. Activists distributed flyers with caricatures of Jews with hooked noses and fangs dripping with blood, clutching money.

In light of this history, it is not enough to praise the countries that will boycott Durban IV nor to oppose the many more that apparently still plan to participate. Beyond that, we must face the reality that the United Nations has found it necessary to stage yet another major international event to commemorate this grand global travesty. To do that, we must understand why so many still support Durban despite its ugly legacy.

For those who celebrate Durban, that conference laid the foundation for the world to accept—and to believe—that systemic racism lies at the core of our global system. Over the last two decades, this worldview has taken hold internationally, nowhere more than in the United States. For many, Durban represents the war on a global system of white supremacy. It also reflects the growing worldview that capitalism is unsustainable, as is the global influence of the United States. These understandings are reflected in Critical Race Theory, the Black Lives Matter movement, and a host of government, corporate and educational programs.