Our colleagues at the the Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism, in Birkbeck, University of London have alerted us to an upcoming workshop they are hosting on the topic of Blood Libels. The free workshop will address how blood has been utilized as a differentiator between Jews and Non-Jews for centuries and how it continues to drive anti-Semitism to this day. This day long exploration into the history of Blood libels is part of a series of events revolving a joint exhibit between the Pear Institute and the Jewish University London entitled Blood-Uniting & Dividing. Speakers include: Susan Einbinder, University of Connecticut, Hillel Kieval, Washington University in St. Louis and Pawel Maciejko, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

To read more about the Pears Insitute, click here.

The workshop will take place on Monday June 27, from 10:30 am to 5:45. Click here to register.