Videos from the Second Bristol-Sheffield Hallam Colloquium on Contemporary Anti-Semitism, chaired by Lesley Klaff and J.G. Campbell, are now available here.
This past fall, LDB President and General Counsel Kenneth L. Marcus spoke at the Second Bristol-Sheffield Hallam Colloquium on Contemporary Anti-Semitism. The theme of the colloquium was “Anti-Semitism in the Media: The Old and The New.” Panelists spoke about a diversity of topics, ranging from anti-Semitic language in German liberal web discourse to Palestinian liberation theology as a medium for contemporary anti-Semitism.
Marcus presented a talk entitled “The Ideology of Jihadi Digital Mass Media,” in which he discussed the prevalence of anti-Semitism in online magazines of Jihadi organizations. Marcus explained how criticism of Jews—previously lumped together with criticism of Christians or Westerners in general—has grown more pointed, especially in Dabiq, an online periodical of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Jihadi mass media is featuring an increasingly specific stereotype of Jewish people. Their use of anti-Semitism, according to Marcus, serves four main functions: to market their organizations, inspire conversion, explain their worldview, and motivate action from their followers. Jihadi organizations, both those which appeal to the notion of a “near enemy” in Middle Eastern regimes, as well as those which oppose a “far enemy” in the United States and the West, seek to justify their global ambitions through a discriminatory perception of Jewish people.
The Second Bristol-Sheffield Hallam Colloquium on Contemporary Anti-Semitism is an annual joint venture between Bristol University’s Department of Religion & Theology and Sheffield Hallam University’s Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice. Speakers are invited from the UK, Europe, Israel, and the United States to share their work and research on anti-Semitism in the modern world. At September’s colloquium, President Marcus was joined by numerous scholars and activists, including Ben Cohen, Director of Coalitions at the Israel Project; Peter Wells, Professor of Public Policy Analysis at Sheffield Hallam University; Sital Dhillon, Head of the Department for Law and Criminology at Sheffield Hallam University; and Bernard Harrison, Emeritus E.E. Ericksen Professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah. The conference was held on September 13-15, 2016 at Sheffield Hallam University.
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