On Israel’s Independence Day (“Yom Ha’atzmut”), Texas governor Greg Abbott signed an anti-boycott Israel bill into law. The bill stands against the discriminatory BDS movement and bans state entities from engaging in business with organizations and companies that participate in BDS. In regards to the passage of this measure, Charles Kaufman, chair of B’nai B’right’s International Center for Human Rights and Public Policy told the Jersualem post

“The measure Governor Abbott signed today became law with bilateral support because Texas stands with its business partners and for free trade. In her 69 years, Israel has become a thriving, burgeoning state by enjoying and sharing the fruits of individual freedom and a pioneering spirit for innovation and entrepreneurism.”

Abbott signing the anti-BDS bill as marks the first piece of passed legislation during the 85th legislative session and sends a powerful message regarding Texas’ unwavering support for Israel. After the Legislature passed H.B. 89, many Jewish and Christian leaders praised the Texas Legislature. Josh Block, CEO and President of the Israel Project, told The Jerusalem Post: “I want to thank the government of Texas for seeing the true, hateful intentions of BDS and banning such state-sponsored bias.”( ) Texas is the 20th state to pass an anti-BDS law, joining states such as Arkansas, Michigan, and Ohio.