To the Northeastern Community:
I write to express my outrage and extreme disappointment at an incident that occurred in International Village this morning. At approximately 1:30 am, a resident assistant found swastikas drawn on a dry-erase board in a common area in the building. Our police department reported immediately to the scene, collected evidence of the incident, and is actively investigating.
I condemn this hateful act of anti-Semitism in the strongest possible terms. These actions are completely antithetical to the values of our university and all that we stand for. Bias, hate crimes, and anti-Semitism are completely unacceptable—whether they occur on our campus, or anywhere else. We must always reject this intolerant and low behavior, and reinforce the values of diversity, acceptance, and mutual understanding that undergird our community’s strength.
I ask all members of the Northeastern community to join with me in amplifying these positive values, and repudiating this incident and all forms of hateful behavior.
Joseph E. Aoun
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