Several organizations have webinars on subjects related to the Brandeis Center’s mission which are open to any interested viewer.  These may be either live webinars or webinars which are accessible after they have been broadcast. This month we highlight three organizations’ webinars.

EMET, the Endowment for Middle East Truth, has moved its seminar series to a weekly webinar format.  This past year speakers have included:  Richard Goldberg, a former Director for Countering Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction for the White House National Security Council, speaking on Iranian Issues,  Richard L. Cravatts, author and Brandeis Center Director, speaking on “The Campus War Against Israel,” and Rafeal Madoff, founding director of The David Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, who spoke on “FDR, the Media and the Holocaust.”  To access these past talks and register for future ones, please go to

ISGAP, The Institute for the Study for the Study of Global Antisemitism & Policy, also has a vibrant online webinar program that can be accessed on a live or delayed basis.    Recent speakers have included Natan Sharansky, speaking on “Israel, American Weakness and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine,” David Hirsh addressing “Antizionism:  An Ideology that Makes Israel Symbolic of, and Central to, All that is Bad in the World,” and David Patterson,  addressing “Intersectionality and the Academy’s Acceptance of Antisemitism.”  To view these past webinars and register for future ones, please go to

Stand With Us, Supporting Israel and Fighting Antisemitism Around the World,  has its Stand With Us TV which features a wide variety of programming, including the presentations from its 2022 Conference, talks from speakers such as Andrew Pessin on “The Toxic Rise of Campus Cancel Culture,” and presentations relating to Israeli history and culture.  This year Stand with Us is also running a CLE series which offers California MCLE credit.  The first speaker in that series is Brandeis Center’s President and General Counsel Alyza Lewin, who presents on “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) & Erasive Anti-Semitism.”  The Stand With Us link is at