Chicago-Kent College of Law, Monday, November 28, 12pm

On Monday, November 28, Professor Steven Resnicoff will speak to LDB law students at Chicago-Kent College of Law on how the west and its international law institutions have abandoned religious minorities.

Steven Resnicoff is a Professor of Law and Director of DePaul University College of Law’s Center for Jewish Law & Judaic Studies (JLJS). He is an internationally known scholar who has written and lectured extensively on a wide variety of subjects, including alternative dispute resolution, bankruptcy, commercial paper, legal ethics, and medical ethics. Drawing on his formal Talmudic training as well as law firm experience, Professor Resnicoff analyzes these issues from both secular and religious perspectives, often exploring how these disparate systems interact. As holder of DePauls prestigious Wicklander Chair for Professional Ethics in 2001, he focused on honesty and integrity in the legal profession and in legal education. His purely commercial law writings have also commanded attention. His proposal to amend the Bankruptcy Code, made in “Is it Morally Wrong to Depend on the Honesty of Your Partner or Spouse? Bankruptcy Dischargeability of Vicarious Debt,” was explicitly endorsed by the American Bar Associations ad hoc committee on partnerships in bankruptcy. His works also have been cited favorably by academics and courts.