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NO FEAR: A Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People
Sunday, July 11, 1:00-3:30 PM
Anti-Semitism isn’t taking a summer vacation.
So neither can we.
On July 11 in Washington, D.C, Alliance for Israel, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, B’nai Brith International, the Israel Forever Foundation, Jewish National Fund USA, Hadassah, Combat Antisemitism Movement, the Orthodox Union, the Rabbinical Assembly, USCJ, World Jewish Congress – North America, and Union for Reform Judaism are organizing “NO FEAR: A Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People.” It is time for the Jewish people and our allies to speak out against antisemitism with the many voices in our resilient community. Elisha Wiesel will speak, as will victims of antisemitism and leaders across the denominational and political spectrum.
Our tent is big. We welcome all Zionist, Jewish organizations, and allies. If you believe we have a right to exist in peace and security as a Jewish people both here in the United States and in Israel, then you belong with us.
To register for the rally, click here.
“We here at the Brandeis Center are thrilled to co-sponsor the #NoFearRally on July 11th in Washington DC! Join us to stand in solidarity with the Jewish people and send a message that there is no place for hate. The rally is organized by @anti.defamation.league, @AJCGlobal, @alliance4israel, @bnaibrithinternational, @jewishnationalfund, @CombatAntiSemitism, @Hadassah, @IsraelForeverFoundation, @OrthodoxUnion, @World Jewish Congress North America, @RabbinicalAssembly, @URJorg, @StandWithUs, @UnitedSynagogueCJ, @RJC, @USJewishDems, @birthright, @jfederations, @MercazUSA, @IFCMW, @UJAfedNY Learn more and sign up at nofearrally.org”
Supporting sponsors include: Action for Post-Soviet Jewry, A Wider Frame, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alums for Campus Fairness, AMCHA Initiative, Americans United with Israel, Ansche Chesed, Baltimore Zionist District, Beth El of Montgomery County, Birthright, B’nai B’rith Connect, ChallahBack Girls, Chosen to Speak Up, Club Z, Creative Community for Peace, Endowment for Middle East Truth, End Jew Hatred, Fifth Ave Synagogue, Fuel for Truth, Hasbara Fellowships, Hillel International, Humans4Humanity, IBIS, Iraqi Christian Relief Council, ISGAP, Israel Bonds, Jewish Future Pledge, Jewish National Fund, JCRC Detroit, JIMENA, Never Again is Now, Kehillat Jeshurun, Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, LSS Synagogue, Maccabee Task Force, MD Republican Jewish Council, National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, New Zionist Congress, National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, NC Coalition for Israel, NY Board of Rabbis, Organization for Chinese Americans (DC), Rabbinic Council of America, RI Coalition for Israel, SHIN-DC, StandWithUs, Students Supporting Israel, Terps for Israel, The Carlebach Shul, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, The Rimon Movement, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, WIZO, World Jewish Congress, WSIS, Yad Yamin-Philadelphia, Yad Yamin-New York, Zioness, Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, ZOA
Security protocols
The organizers enjoy the full support of the Capitol Police and the US Park Police, who have both committed an extraordinary amount of resources for the event in their respective jurisdiction. They both have considerable additional resources of their own on standby in the unlikely event that they are needed, as well as those of the D.C. Metropolitan Police. And beyond that, the organizers retained a private security firm made up entirely of former U.S. Secret Service agent. The head of their Washington office also worked the U.S. Capitol area for many years and the head of the firm was in in charge of President Bill Clinton’s entire presidential protective detail. Their firm provided all of Pres. Biden’s personal security between the time he became a candidate and when he received official USSS protection.
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