Watch Alyza at the #NoFearRally here!

~ Alyza D. Lewin Remarks ~

No Fear Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People

Washington, DC, July 11, 2021

Good afternoon.

I am Alyza Lewin, President of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law.

I’m here today with these extraordinary students because today, Jews are being pressured to shed what makes them Jewish.

Jews are being told that the price for admission to social and racial justice movements is that they must deny their history, abandon their people, and disavow their homeland.

That is anti-Semitism.

Judaism is more than a religion.

Jews share not only a common faith, but also a sense of Jewish peoplehood and a deep connection to the Land of Israel.

For many Jews, solidarity with Israel is integral to their Jewish identity.

We express our Judaism in many different ways.

But no one should ever be harassed, marginalized or dehumanized for expression of their Jewish identity.

Standing in the shadow of the Capitol, we take pride in knowing that America values diversity and has laws that protect Jews against discrimination on the basis of race, religion, and national / ethnic origin.

As President of the Brandeis Center, I speak nearly each and every day to university students who are experiencing this type of anti-Semitic discrimination.

Students who express support for Israel are being ridiculed, labelled as “racist,” ostracized and excluded from university clubs and positions in student government.

They are made to feel ashamed for taking pride in their Jewish heritage.

When Jews celebrate the fact that there is a country where the national calendar is the Jewish calendar, where Jews are free to practice their faith with pride, where Hebrew is the spoken language, and where Jews today can walk on the same stones that the ancient Hebrews and King David walked on centuries ago –

When Jews take pride in all that the Jewish state of Israel contributes to the world, in the areas of medicine, agriculture, cyber, high tech, science – and humanitarian aid –

that has nothing to do with the Arab – Israeli conflict.

It is an expression of Jewish ethnic pride.

The ancient Jewish People were the first to understand that all human beings are created in God’s image.

We taught the world that all humanity is created equal.

Social justice ideals began with Judaism.

That is why Jews have historically led the organizations that strive for equal justice and dignity for all.

But today, Jews are finding themselves excluded from these movements.


Because they take pride in their Jewish heritage.

A world that cannot appreciate Jews, is a world that does not tolerate difference.

That is why anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem, it is everyone’s problem.

For the health of our society, this must stop now.

Say it with me – This must stop now.

Whether you are Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrachi, or a Jew of Color, Chiloni or Chareidi, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or Reconstructionist, a Jew by birth or a Jew by choice,

we must remember that we are all Am Yisrael – the People of Israel – and Eretz Yisrael is our homeland.

We must stand proud.

We must speak loud.

To those who seek to divide and destroy us, we say “Am Yisrael Chai” – the People of Israel Live.

To those who try to shame us, we stand proud and say, “Am Yisrael Chai”

Say it with me – Am Yisrael Chai!

Say it louder – Am Yisrael Chai!

Say it prouder – Am Yisrael Chai!

One more time – Am Yisrael Chai!

Thank you.