The Journal of Contemporary European Antisemitism (JCEA) recently announced that it is seeking original research articles for its first issue. JCEA is the first journal of its kind, covering all forms of anti-Semitism found in today’s Europe. It will be published bi-annually, beginning spring 2017.

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LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus serves on the editorial board of the journal among a group of international and highly distinguished scholars. LDB greatly looks forward to the first issue of JCEA.

JCEA is inviting scholars from all relevant disciplines across the social sciences and humanities to send their original research articles. Overseen by an international team of editors and editor-in-chief Clemens Heni (Director of the Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism), the journal hopes to become a forum where scholars from diverse political and intellectual backgrounds can analyze, debate, and formulate effective responses to the ever-evolving and insidious threat of Jew-hatred in Europe.

JCEA defines the anti-Semitism of today in three different forms: 1) traditional anti-Semitism, including anti-Judaism, blood libels, and conspiracy myths, among other tropes; 2) Holocaust denial or distortion, which has a particular meaning in Eastern Europe; and 3) hatred of Israel or anti-Zionist anti-Semitism. The journal also emphasizes the European context and the contemporary nature of possible submissions, meaning that topics should be at least related to the time after 1945, but it is much better to be to the 21st century.

JCEA generally aims to publish articles of 5000-7000 words of text, including notes, and reviews not exceeding 1200 words. Articles will be peer-reviewed anonymously, so submissions should not include any identifying information.

Earlier this summer, another new journal issued a similar call for papers. The Canadian Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism (CISA) and Indiana University Press announced that they are releasing a new scholarly periodical Antisemitism Studies in April 2017. JCEA and Antisemitism Studies will join the existing Journal for the Study of Anti-Semitism (JSA), of which LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus is also an editorial board member.

We are happy to share this announcement with our readers who may be interested in contributing to either journal. To submit an article to JCEA, or ask a question about the submission process, please send a message to [email protected].