columbia-law-schoolIn response to a recent petition signed by 69 members of the Columbia faculty calling on the university to divest from companies that do business in Israel, David M. Schizer, Dean Emeritus and the Harvey R. Miller Professor of Law and Economics at Columbia Law School, created the following letter opposing divestment. The letter, which highlights the reasons Columbia’s ties to Israel need to be perserved, has gained the signatures of 235 full-time faculty thus far.

Fulltext of the letter can be found below:

Maintaining Columbia’s Ties to Israel

As members of the faculty of Columbia University, we write to express our commitment to the university’s ties with Israel. Israel is a thriving democracy. It has democratic elections, a free press, rule of law, and strong protections for the individual rights of all citizens, including Arabs as well as Jews. Israel also is the home of great universities, a vibrant culture, and an innovative high-tech sector. Given these shared values and interests, Columbia benefits from ties with Israeli faculty, students, research, and technology.

For nearly seven decades, Israel has faced hostile neighbors. Rocket attacks, terrorism in the streets, chaos across the border, and the trauma of war are facts of life for Israelis. We wish for a peaceful and just resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, just as Israelis do. We appreciate that several Israeli Prime Ministers from across the Israeli political spectrum have endorsed a two-state solution. We recognize that Israel withdrew unilaterally from Gaza, and that Gaza has since become a base for attacks on Israeli civilians. We do not mean to suggest that we agree with every policy of the Israeli government, just as the Israeli people have a range of views about the best path to a peaceful and secure coexistence with their neighbors.

Yet it would not be just or principled to respond to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by disengaging from Israel or from companies that do business with Israel. It would be unjust to blame only one side for this conflict, and unprincipled to single out Israel for this sanction, while maintaining ties with other nations that – unlike Israel – are undemocratic, repressive, and much less restrained in their use of force.

For all these reasons, Columbia’s ties with Israel need to be preserved. While we recognize that the University Trustees are responsible for deciding whether to divest from companies that do business in Israel, we write to express our support for these investments.


  1. David Schizer
    Dean Emeritus & Harvey R. Miller Professor of Law
    Columbia Law School
  1. Dorothy Urman Denburg
    Dean of the College Emerita, Barnard College
  1. Ronald A. Feldman
    Dean Emeritus and Ruth Harris Ottman Centennial Professor for the Advancement of Social Work Education
    Columbia School of Social Work
  1. Gerald Fischbach
    Dean Emeritus, Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine
    John E. Borne Professor Emeritus of Medical and Surgical Research in the Departments of Pharmacology and Neuroscience
  1. Glenn Hubbard
    Dean & Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics
    Columbia Business School
  1. Zvi Galil
    Dean Emeritus of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and Julian Clarence Levi Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Methods and Computer Science
  1. Ira B. Lamster
    Professor, Department of Health Policy & Management
    Mailman School of Public Health
    Dean Emeritus
    College of Dental Medicine
  1. Nicholas Lemann
    Dean Emeritus and Joseph Pulitzer II and Edith Pulitzer Moore Professor of Journalism
    Graduate School of Journalism
  1. Herbert Pardes
    Dean Emeritus of P&S
    Former VP for Health Sciences and former CEO OF NY Presbyterian
    Professor of Psychiatry, College of Physicians & Surgeons
  1. Richard Axel
    University Professor
    Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons
  1. Eric Kandel
    University Professor, Kavli Professor and Director, Kavli Institute for Brain Science
    Co-Director, Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Department of Neuroscience
    Columbia University
  1. Simon Schama
    University Professor, Department of History
  1. David N. Dinkins
    106th Mayor, City of New York
    Professor in the Practice of Public Policy
    School of International of Public Affairs
  1. Paul Appelbaum
    Dollard Professor of Psychiatry, Medicine, & Law
    College of Physicians & Surgeons
  1. Awi Federgruen
    Charles E. Exley Professor of Management, Graduate School of Business
  1. Ester R. Fuchs
    Professor of International and Public Affairs and Political Science
    Columbia University, SIPA
  1. Judith S. Jacobson
    Associate Professor of Epidemiology
    Mailman School of Public Health
  1. Yitzhak Irving Kalet
    Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
  1. Ran Kivetz
    Philip H. Geier Professor
    Columbia University Business School
  1. Thomas Merrill
    Charles Evans Hughes Professor of Law
    Columbia Law School
  1. Robert Jackson, Jr.
    Professor of Law
    Columbia Law School
  1. Stephanie Neuman
    Director, Comparative Defense Studies Program
    Saltzman Institute of War & Peace
  1. Alex Dranovsky
    Florence IrvingAssistant Professor of Psychiatry at the
    Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Kenneth Prager
    Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Alex Raskolnikov
    Wilbur H. Friedman Professor of Tax Law, Columbia Law School
  1. Philip Hamburger
    Maurice & Hilda Friedman Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
  1. Richard Stone
    Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
  1. Olivier Toubia
    Glaubinger Professor of Business, Columbia Business School
  1. Richard M. Pious
    Adolph and Effie Ochs Professor Emeritus
    Department of Political Science, Barnard College
  1. Ari L. Goldman
    Professor, Graduate School of Journalism
  1. Joseph Tenenbaum
    Edgar M. Leifer Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Neil Schluger
    Professor of Medicine, Environmental Health Sciences & Epidemiology at Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Conrad Blum
    Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Ann P. Bartel
    Merrill Lynch Professor of Workforce Transformation, Columbia Business School
  1. Donald S. Kornfeld
    Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  1. Jeremy Rosenbaum Simon
    Associate Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Michael Schudson
    Professor, Columbia Journalism School
  1. Zohar Goshen
    Alfred W. Bressler Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
  1. Helen Towers
    Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Michael Weinberger
    Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Oded Netzer
    Associate Professor of Business, Columbia Business School
  1. Richard A. Friedman
    Associate Research Scientist Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Lecturer, Department of Biomedical Informatics
  1. John Mann
    Paul Janssen Professor of Translational Neuroscience
    Director, Molecular Imaging and Neuropathology Division
    Department of Psychiatry Columbia University
  1. Roy Alcalay
    Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Neurology
    Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain
  1. Jeffrey A. Ascherman
    Professor of Surgery at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Cheryl H. Waters
    Albert B. and Judith L. Glickman Professor of Neurology at Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Lynne Quittell
    Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonary Division, Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Deborah Hasin
    Professor of Epidemiology (in Psychiatry) at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Trevor S. Harris
    Arthur J. Samberg Professor of Professional Practice, Columbia Business School
  1. Matthew Waxman
    Liviu Librescu Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
  1. Alfred Neugut
    Myron M. Studner Professor of Cancer Research (in Medicine) & Professor of Epidemiology
    Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Dan Amiram
    Assistant Professor of Accounting, Columbia Business School
  1. Ethel S. Siris
    Madeline C. Stabile Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Richard Deckelbaum
    Robert R. Williams Professor of Nutrition, College of Physicians and Surgeons
  1. Michael R. Rosen
    Gustavus A Pfeiffer Professor of Pharmacology and Professor of Pediatrics
    Columbia University 
  1. David J. Cohen
    Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Lloyd E. Ratner
    Professor of Surgery, Columbia University
    Director, Renal and Pancreatic Transplantation
  1. Gerald W. Neuberg
    Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Michael E. Goldberg
    David Mahoney Professor of  Brain and Behavior in the Departments of Neuroscience, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Ophthalmology
    Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  2. Lyall A. Gorenstein
    Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Shonni J. Silverberg
    Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Gaya S. Aranoff
    Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology
    Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Joshua E. Hyman
    Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Eduardo David Leonardo
    Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Rina Kreitman
    Lecturer in Hebrew in the Department Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies
  1. Haim Waisman
    Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
  1. Mark Apfelbaum
    Associate Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Jill M. Harkavy Friedman
    Adjunct Associate Professor of Medial Psychology, in Psychiatry
  1. Ralph Holloway
    Professor of Anthropology
  1. Irving P. Herman
    Professor of Applied Physics
  1. Martin L. Leib
    Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Itsik Pe’er
    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
  1. Rochelle Goldsmith
    Assistant Professor of Physiological Medicine (in Medicine) at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Ralph N. Wharton
    Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
    Attending Psychiatrist at New York Presbyterian Hospital and
    Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
  1. Rhoda Lipton
    Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Columbia Journalism School
  1. Peter Stahl
    Assistant Professor of Urology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Kimberly Cooper
    Associate Professor of Urology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Arthur Smerling
    Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Anesthesiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Alan Brott
    Adjunct Associate Professor of International and Public Affairs
  1. Matthew P. Rutman
    Associate Professor at CUMC
    Associate Attending at NYP
    Chief of Urology — Allen Hospital at NYP
    Director of Division of Voiding Dysfunction and Female Urology
    Department of Urology, Columbia University
  1. Mark Weidenbaum
    Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Richard H. Kessin
    Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology Emeritus
  1. Steven D. Stellman
    Professor of Clinical Epidemiology
    Associate Chair (Interim), Department of Epidemiology
    Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
  1. Oscar Lebwohl
    Richard and Rakia Hatch Professor of Medicine
    Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Elizabeth Midlarsky
    Professor, Program in Clinical Psychology
    Teachers College, Columbia University
  1. Milton L. Wainberg
    Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
    Director, Global Mental Health T32 Research Fellowship, Columbia University
  1. Peter L. Strauss
    Betts Professor of Law, Columbia Law School
  1. Robert Y. Shapiro
    Wallace S. Sayre Professor of Government
    Department of Political Science, Columbia University
  1. Judith Korner
    Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center, Director, Weight Control Center
  1. Samuel Schacher
    Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience and Psychiatry
    Columbia University Medical Center
    NYS Psychiatric Institute
  1. Gregg W. Stone
    Professor of Medicine, Columbia University
    Director of Cardiovascular Research and Education
    Center for Interventional Vascular Therapy
    New York Presbyterian Hospital/ Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Jay Rothschild
    Assistant Clinical Professor, College of Dental Medicine
  1. Lori M. Zeltser
    Associate Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology
  1. Margaret Ellsberg
    Senior Lecturer, English, Barnard College
  1. Eugene Ornstein
    Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Barry A. Farber
    Professor; Program Coordinator, Program in Clinical Psychology
    Teachers College, Columbia University
  1. Susan Steinberg
    Professor of Pharmacology, Columbia University
  1. Andrew Einstein
    Associate Professor of Medicine (in Radiology)
    College of Physicians and Surgeons
  1. Marc Bessler
    Professor of Surgery at CUMC
    Chief Division of Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery
  1. David A. Klatell
    Professor of Professional Practice
    Chair, International Studies
    Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University
  1. Charles Freilich
    Adjunct Associate Professor of Political Science
  1. Mitchell C. Benson
    Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Urology
    Columbia University Department of Urology
  1. LeRoy Rabbani
    Brian F. Hoffman Professor of Cardiology (in Medicine) at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Marc Eisenberg
    Associate Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Myrna M. Weissman
    Diane Goldman Kemper Family Professor of Epidemiology and Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
    Chief Division of Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute
  1. Herbert Kleber
    Professor of Psychiatry
  1. Lisa Gordis
    Professor of English, Barnard College
  1. Jonathan Susman
    Associate Professor of Radiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Stanley J. Schneller
    Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Cardiology (in Medicine) at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Robert Klitzman
    Professor of Psychiatry (in Sociomedical Sciences) at the Columbia University Medical Center,
    Director, Bioethics Masters and Online Certificate and Course Programs, Columbia University
  1. Jeanne Mager Stellman
    Professor Emerita and Special Lecturer
    Department of Health Policy and Management
  1. Julia Glade Bender
    Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Columbia University Medical Center
    Associate Director, Division of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation
    Medical Director, Developmental Therapeutics and Precision Medicine (PiPseq) Programs
  1. Myron L. Cohen
    Professor, Department of Anthropology
  2. Michael Weiss
    Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology
    Director Uveitis Service
    Columbia University, New York Presbyterian Hospital
  1. Judah Weinberger
    Associate Professor of Medicine (in Pharmacology) at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Benjamin Lebwohl
    Herbert Irving Assistant Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology
    Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Steve Mackey
    Associate Professor of Medicine at CUMC
  1. Fred Loweff
    Assistant Dean for Graduate Affairs
    College of Physicians & Surgeons
  1. Tal Malkin
    Associate Professor of Computer Science
    Columbia University
  1. Charles W. Calomiris
    Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions in the Faculty of Business and Professor of International and Public Affairs
    Graduate School of Business
  1. Steven Landau
    Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Paul Diament
    Professor Emeritus, Department of Electrical Engineering
    Columbia University
  1. Jack Greenberg
    Alphonse Fletcher Professor of Law Emeritus, Columbia Law School
  1. Saul J. Berman
    Adjunct Professor, Rotter Fellow of Talmudic Law
    Columbia Law School
  1. David S. Dane
    Assistant Clinical Professor, College of Dental Medicine
  1. Philip M. Genty
    Everett B. Birch Clinical Professor in Professional Responsibility
    Columbia Law School
  1. Paul Glasserman
    Jack R. Anderson Professor of Business
    Columbia Business School
  1. Jill Shapiro
    Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology
    Columbia University
  1. Michael I. Weinstein
    Professor of Applied Mathematics, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
    Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics
  1. Walter Neumann
    Professor of Mathematics
    Barnard College, Columbia University
  1. Paul Kurlansky
    Assistant Professor of Surgery, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons
    Director of Research, Recruitment and CQI, Columbia HeartSource
    Associate Director, Center for Innovation and Outcomes Research
  1. Lawrence Amsel
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  1. Hadassah Tamir
    Professor in the departments of Psychiatry and Pathology and Cell Biology.
  1. Oscar Garfein
    Former Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, graduated from the college, P&S, MBA, and now Student, College Of Physicians And Surgeons: Institute Of Human Nutrition
  1. Evelyn Horn
    Adjunct Professor Columbia University, Department of Medicine Cardiology
  1. Naomi Weinberger
    Adjunct Professor, School of International and Public Affairs
  1. Dana Pe’er
    Associate Professor, Biological Sciences and Systems Biology
  1. Ira Tabas
    Richard J. Stock Professor and Vice-Chair of Research, Department of Medicine
    Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology (in Physiology and Cellular Biophysics), Columbia University
  1. Warren D. Widmann
    Clinical Professor of Surgery
    Assistant Dean, Surgical Education
    State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center
    Special Lecturer, Department of Surgery
    Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  1. Daniel Bienstock
    Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research and of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
  1. Ruth Raphaeli-Slivko
    Retired Senior Lecturer in Hebrew
    Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies, Columbia University
  1. Anthony Pucillo
    Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Medicine Cardiology
  1. Ruth L. Fischbach
    Professor of Bioethics at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Yaakov Stern
    Professor of Neuropsychology (in Neurology, Psychiatry, the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center and the Taub Institute) at Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Assaf Zeevi
    Kravis Professor of Business
    Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
  1. Michael Johannes
    Professor of Business, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
  1. Bruce Kogut
    Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Professor of Leadership and Ethics and Professor of Sociology
    Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
  1. Gabriel Weintraub
    Associate Professor of Business
    Graduate School of Business, Columbia University
  1. Diana Heller
    Term Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
    Barnard College
  1. Mitchell Berman
    Professor of Anesthesiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Leonard M. Druyan
    Special Research Scientist (Senior Research Scientist, retired)
    Department of Applied Physics and Math, Columbia University
  1. Daniel C. Javitt
    Professor and Director,
    Division of Experimental Therapuetics
    Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University
  1. Aviva Sopher
    Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
    Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Joel Brockner
    Phillip Hettleman Professor of Business, Columbia Business School
  1. Sigal Trattner
    Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University Medical Center 
  1. Henry N. Ginsberg
    Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Medicine; Director, Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Columbia University
  1. Ivan Sanders
    Assistant Professor of Hungarian Literature and Culture, Department of Slavic Languages, Columbia University
  1. Frances R. Levin
    Director, Division on Substance Abuse
    Kennedy Leavy Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Medical Center Columbia University/New York State Psychiatric Institute
    Department of Psychiatry
  1. Michael Shelanski
    Henry Taub Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology
    Co-Director of the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain
    Senior Vice Dean for Research, College of Physicians and Surgeons
    Columbia University
  1. Hanina Hibshoosh
    Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Marlon Rosenbaum
    Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at the Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Clifford Stein
    Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research and of Computer Science, Columbia University
  2. Jacob Leshno
    Assistant Professor
    Decisions, Risk, and Operations
    Columbia Business School
  1. Nehama R. Bersohn
    Lecturer, Retired
    Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies, Columbia University
  1. Sheila H. Akabas
    Professor Emerita of Social Work; Senior Research Scientist in the Faculty of Social Work
  1. Alan H. Seplowitz
    Associate Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center
  1. Michael D. Gershon
    Department of Pathology and Cell Biology
    Columbia University, P&S
  1. Michal Lipson
    Eugene Higgins Professor
    Columbia University, Electrical Engineering Department
  2. Donald Goldfarb
    Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
    Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science
  3. Steven M. Bellovin
    Columbia University, Percy K. and Vida L.W. Hudson
    Professor of Computer Science
  4. Glen Markowitz
    Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology at the Columbia University Medical Cente
  5. Joseph Richter
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Department of Pediatrics
    Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons
  6. Yechiam Yemini
    Columbia University, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
  7. George P. Fletcher
    Columbia Law School, Cardozo Professor of Jurisprudence
  8. Steven A. Kane
    Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology
  9. Kathleen M. Pike
    Director, Global Mental Health Program at Columbia
    Professor of Psychology, Departments of Psychiatry and Epidemiology
  10. Keren Bergman
    Columbia University, Charles Batchelor Professor and Chair of EE Department
  11. Irina Reyfman
    Columbia University, Professor, Department of Slavic Languages
  12. Sheldon Marc Feldman
    Chief, Division of Breast Surgery
    Vivian L. Milstein Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery
    Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  13. Ellen Greenebaum
    Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and Cell Biology, retired
  14. William S. Schechter
    Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics at
    Columbia University Medical Center
  15. Richard Rosenberg
    Assistant Professor of Medicine at CUMC
  16. Mark Ginsberg
    Associate Professor of Surgery at the Columbia University Medical Center
  17. Daniel T. Williams
    Attending Psychiatrist, Columbia University Medical Center
    Special Lecturer in Psychiatry, Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons
  1. Noémie Elhadad
    Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics
  2. Ainat Beniaminovitz
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
    Division  of Cardiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  3. Robert Sommer
    Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center, Interventional Cardiology
  4. Philip Green
    Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Cardiology
  5. Jonathan A. Slater
    Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
    Senior Attending, Consultation-Liaison Service, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York
  6. Brent R. Stockwell
    Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
    Department of Chemistry, Columbia University
  7. Robert A. Braunstein
    Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology
    College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columba University
  8. Judith Rabkin
    Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry,
    College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia
    Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry,
    Weill College of Medicine, Cornell University
  9. Jonathan L. Gross
    Professor of Computer Science and of Statistics
  10. Serge Przedborski
    Page and William Black Professor of Neurology (in Pathology and Cell Biology and Neuroscience),
    College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia
  11. Stuart Firestein
    Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia
  12. Jodi P. Lerner
    Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
    Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine
    New York Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia Campus
  13. John Donaldson
    Mario Gabelli Professor of Finance and Economics
    Graduate School of Business
  14. Stanley Fahn
    Houston Merritt Professor of Neurology
    Columbia University
    Director Emeritus, Movement Disorder Division
    Neurological Institute
  15. Monica Reynolds
    Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center
  16. Cheryl Hutt
    Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the Columbia University Medical School
    Department of Dermatology
  17. Saul Silverstein
    Professor Chair Emeritus of Microbiology and Immunology
    College of Physicians and Surgeons
  18. Bruce Levin
    Professor of Biostatistics
    Mailman School of Public Health
  19. Jonathan A. Javitch
    Lieber Professor of Experimental Therapeutics in Psychiatry and Professor of Pharmacology
    Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  20. Ruth Kaplan Treiber
    Associate Clinical Professor
    Department of Dermatology
  21. Arthur M. Cotliar
    Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology
  22. Jeremy M. Cotliar
    Instructor of Clinical Ophthalmology
  23. Wei Yann Tsai
    Professor, Department of Biostatistics
  24. Srirama Kalapatapu
    Assistant Professor of Medicine
  25. Kumar Kalapatapu
    Assistant Professor of Medicine
  26. Richard Kay
    Associate Professor of Medicine
    Division of Cardiology at the Columbia University Medical Center
  27. Robert N. Belkin
    Associate Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center
  28. Austin Long
    Associate Professor of International and Public Affairs
    School Intl & Public Affairs
  29. Andrew Kupersmith
    Assistant Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center
  30. Alexander Kratz
    Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology and Cell Biology
    Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  31. Flora S. Davidson
    Professor Emerita, Political Science & Urban Studies, Barnard College
  32. Jeffrey Lax

Associate Professor, Political Science

  1. Richard Osgood, Jr.
    Higgins Professor, Emeritus, of Electrical Engineering and Professor Emeritus of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
  2. Robert Jervis
    Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Politics
    Department of Political Science and SIPA
  3. Steven Cohen
    Professor in the Practice of Public Affairs
    School of International and Public Affairs
  4. Melvin B. Weiss
    Department of Medicine
    Professor of Medicine at CUMC
  5. Martin Leon
    Professor of Medicine
    Director, Center for Interventional Vascular Therapy
  6. Jeffrey W. Moses
    Professor of Medicine,CUMC
  7. Richard Robb
    Professor of Professional Practice, SIPA
  8. Richard Roth
    Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine
    Columbia University Medical Center
  9. Allen I. Hyman
    Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology
    Columbia University in the City of New York
  10. Eric Treiber
    Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Dermatology
  11. Michael J. Muschel
    Cardiology Division, Department of Medicine
    Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center
    Professional Group: Columbia Doctors of the Hudson Valley
  12. Ezra Susser
    Professor of Epidemiology and Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center
  13. Tove S. Rosen
    Professor Emerita in Pediatrics
  14. Giora Weisz
    Associate professor at Columbia University Medical Center
  15. William B Eimicke
    Professor of Practice
    Founding Director of Picker Center
  16. Richard Kroll
    Clinical Instructor, Emeritus
    Department of Urology
    Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
  17. Daniel Wolfenzon
    Stefan H. Robock Professor of Finance and Economics
    Columbia Business School
  18. Ray Marks
    Adjunct Professor, Health and Behavior Studies
    Teachers College
  1. Eli Grunstein
    John and De Graaf Woodman

Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology
Assistant Director, Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology
Columbia University Medical Center