The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law is happy to introduce its newest Civil Rights Legal Fellow and Communications & Development Interns for the Fall of 2018.

Rhoda Offei completed her Masters in Law at the Cornell University in May 2012 and is currently a Civil Rights Legal Fellow with the Louis D. Brandeis Center. Prior to her graduate program at Cornell University, Ms. Offei practiced law in Ghana for about 10 months after being called to the bar in September 2016. While in Ghana, she worked for the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) as a National Service Person and handled cases of human rights violations at work places, prisons, hospital, and in schools. This work stirred up an interest in her for the pursuit of justice.

Ms. Offei was intrigued by the work of the Louis Brandeis Center and the fact that the Brandeis Center’s vision is specifically geared towards the fight for the civil and human rights for the Jewish people. She believes that the fight for human rights for a specific group of people is invariably a fight and pursuit of justice for all.  Ms. Offei is grateful for the opportunity to work with the Brandeis Center and is hopeful that this opportunity will be a learning process for her.

Hilary Miller is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is majoring in Political Science and History, and minoring in Jewish studies. Her academic interests relate to Eastern European, Jewish and Israeli History along with international law and human rights. She recently presented her research on Raphael Lemkin and the origins of the term “genocide” at the Phi Alpha Theta Biennial Convention. Additionally, she is a student editor for Sifting & Winnowing, UW’s undergraduate journal of political science, and ARCHIVE, UW’s undergraduate journal of history. She is the editor-in-chief and founder of Avukah, UW’s undergraduate journal of Jewish Studies. Ms. Miller was also the president and founder of the Student Alliance for Israel-Madison. She was a Hasbara Fellow and the first JNF fellow at UW-Madison. In January, Ms. Miller testified before a Wisconsin legislative committee in support of the state’s anti-BDS bill. Wisconsin became the 25th state to pass such a bill. Ms. Miller has interned for the Consulate of Israel to the Midwest in Chicago, and was a Goldman Fellow for the American Jewish Committee this past summer. As a Communications and Development Intern for the Brandeis Center, Hilary is excited to learn more about the organization and its multifaceted approach to combatting anti-Israelism and anti-Semitism on campus. She looks forward to engaging with topics that focus on Israel, Jewish student life, and global Jewish affairs. This experience will continue to enrich her understanding that promoting rights and justice for the Jewish people is part of a universal effort to promote rights and justice for all people.

Joseph Seidler is currently a Sophomore at the University of Maryland: College Park, majoring in Criminology & Criminal Justice, minoring in Philosophy and a student in the Justice and Legal Thought Scholar’s Program. This program investigates the question of “what is the right thing to do” through analyzing philosophical texts and Supreme Court cases. He has previously worked as a Student Police Aide with the University of Maryland: College Park, interned with two separate law offices and participated in a program with the FBI’s Baltimore Division and the Military Police at Fort Belvoir. After graduating from the University of Maryland: College Park, he plans on attending Law School. Mr. Seidler decided to intern with the Brandeis Center because he is passionate about promoting human rights and ensuring the fair and just treatment of all people. Furthermore, from growing up Jewish and attending a Jewish Day School, he is passionate about fighting the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism on college campuses. As an intern with the Brandeis Center, Mr. Seidler hopes to develop a deeper understanding of how anti-Semitic incidents can be addressed through the law. He also desires to strengthen his communication skills.

These new staff members join Senior Communications & Development Intern Edward Kunz, who was been with the Brandeis Center since the beginning of 2017, and Communications & Development Intern Emma Enig, who has been with the Brandeis Center since May 2018.