St. Louis University (Source: Wikicommons)

St. Louis University (Source: Wikicommons)

This week will provide opportunities to see Brandeis Center lawyers in action in Boston, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C.  At noon today, LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus will address “The New Anti-Semitism” at St. Louis University School of Law.  This event, in which Marcus will discuss legal approaches to contemporary Jew-hatred, kicks off a particularly busy week for the Brandeis Center.  On Wednesday, LDB Staff Attorney Danit Sibovits will headline the inaugural event of the newly formed Northeastern University School of Law chapter of the Brandeis Center in Boston.  The Boston event will launch the fourth LDB law school chapter and the first in New England, joining law student groups at UCLA, Penn, and American.  That same day, in Washington, D.C., Marcus will address reform of the Higher Education Act at a Capitol Hill event presented by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.