Washington, D.C. – Today, the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law commends the University of California at Los Angeles’ Undergraduate Student Assembly Council (USAC) for recently passing a resolution that will fight anti-Semitism. The initiative, passed this Tuesday unanimously, denounces all forms of anti-Semitism and protects Jewish students from future discrimination.
LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus commented, “We have been critical about UCLA in the past, but we are very pleased with what the student council has done in passing this campus anti-Semitism resolution. What is especially important about UCLA’s anti-Semitism resolution is that it properly uses the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism at a time when too few universities understand the difference between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel. The State Department got it right and these UCLA students should be commended for their statement.”
The resolution uses the U.S. Department of State’s definition of anti-Semitism. Importantly, the criterion also offers examples of anti-Semitism and acknowledges that anti-Semitism can manifest itself through “Demonizing Israel,” having “Double standards towards Israel,” and “Delegitimizing Israel.”
On 10 February, video footage shows members of USAC making anti-Semitic comments while discussing an appointee for a Justice position on their Judicial Board. Council members indicated that they found the candidate qualified for the position, but relied on anti-Semitic stereotypes while questioning whether her Jewish identity would interfere with her judgment.
The Brandeis Center immediately condemned the “outrageously discriminatory” statements made by the council and in collaboration with UCLA’s LDB law chapter, issued a letter to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block and Vice Chancellor Janina Montero, urging the chancellors to conduct an investigation into this situation, issue a public apology and condemnation of the student government’s anti-Semitic statements, and meet with the LDB law student chapter at UCLA to discuss the matter further.
The Vice Chancellor then responded with a public statement published in UCLA’s Daily Bruin, which announced that USAC was rightfully criticized for their discriminatory questioning. The USAC representatives who made the anti-Semitic comments issued a group apology that was also published in the Daily Bruin. Afterwards, the Brandeis Center, StandWithUs, and other organizations issued a joint letter that asked for a more substantial response. The joint letter was followed by an apology by Chancellor Block that asks the campus community to hold themselves to a higher standard. LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus commented, “There are still further actions, beyond a written statement, that need to be taken to ensure that anti-Semitic incidents at UCLA are few and far between.”
The Brandeis Center commends the statement made by the chancellor and vice chancellor so far. However, the Center is urging UCLA senior leadership to take further measures by asking them to conduct a full investigation into the incident and to meet with LDB law chapter leadership.
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