The President of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights under Law, Kenneth L. Marcus will be presenting in an upcoming special luncheon hosted by the New York area chapter of the American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (AAJLJ). During this luncheon, Marcus will cover many of the topics that the Brandeis Center focuses on. Specifically, he will address resurgence of anti-Semitism on American Colleges. He will also look at the relationship between anti-Semitism and anti-Israel propaganda and advocacy, and the role of lawyers in responding to resurgent campus anti-Semitism. Marcus will address the impact of recent cases on college campuses as well as LDB’s continuing work to protect Jewish students from discrimination, harassment and hostile environments.

Marcus, who founded the LDB in 2011 to combat the resurgence of anti- Semitism in American higher education, has experience in the field of civil rights. Marcus was in public service, served as a Staff Director at the United States Commission on Civil Rights, and was delegated the authority of Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights and Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. He was the first recipient of the Justice and Ethics Award for Outstanding Work in the Field of Civil Rights.

AAJLJ, the host organization, is a group that Marcus has worked with in the past, and it is exciting to see the Brandeis Center working with them again through a luncheon! The event will take place at the Offices of Gibson Dunn, located at 200 Park Avenue, NY. It will be on Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 from 12:00-1:30pm, and a kosher lunch will be served. Seating is limited, so all interested attendants are asked to RSVP by Monday, October 14th, 2013 to [email protected].