Do you think that anti-Semitism from the far right is nothing to worry about? Or that the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is losing steam? If so, this issue of the Brandeis Brief will surprise you. This Brief covers both topics as well as how one brave Illinois student views the battle against anti-Semitism on campus. Make sure you read about the important recent court decision regarding Students for Justice in Palestine. And don’t miss two great new programs that you can catch on video now if you didn’t see them live: an inspiring LDB event on global anti-Semitism with U.S. Special Envoy Elan Carr and an enthralling conversation on recent legal developments between Brandeis Center President Alyza Lewin and the International Legal Forum’s Yifa Segal. As always, we thank you for your tax deductible donations and acknowledge that without you our work could not be done.

Read January’s Brandeis Brief here.


Brandeis Brief: January 2021


Do you think that anti-Semitism from the far right is nothing to worry about? Or that the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is losing steam? If so, this issue of the Brandeis Brief will surprise you. This Brief covers both topics as well as how one brave Illinois student views the battle against anti-Semitism on campus. Make sure you read about the important recent court decision regarding Students for Justice in Palestine. And don’t miss two great new programs that you can catch on video now if you didn’t see them live: an inspiring LDB event on global anti-Semitism with U.S. Special Envoy Elan Carr and an enthralling conversation on recent legal developments between Brandeis Center President Alyza Lewin and the International Legal Forum’s Yifa Segal. As always, we thank you for your tax deductible donations and acknowledge that without you our work could not be done.



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Description automatically generatedAnti-Semitism from the Far Right Isn’t Going Away

Anti-Semitism continues to shapeshift with technology; these days, manifestations often appear online, within hate groups that espouse anti-Semitic ideologies and rhetoric which leads to anti-Semitic activities in the real-world. This article explores right-wing anti-Semitism that LDB and its allies monitor and combat in the real world. 

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An Evening with U.S. Special Envoy Elan Carr and  

the Brandeis Center


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Description automatically generated with medium confidenceBrandeis Center Law School Chapters from across the country hosted SE Elan Carr on the last night of Channukah for a discussion on the current manifestations of anti-Semitism nationwide and worldwide, the actions that our administration is taking to address them, and the hope for a future of philo-Semitism. Carr’s presentation, which summarized both the difficult challenges and positive advancements recently facing Jewish citizens, is followed by a roundtable discussion with Brandeis Center Chairman Kenneth Marcus and Brandeis Center President Alyza Lewin. 


Read More & Watch the Presentation




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Description automatically generatedNew York Court Rules against SJP in Fordham Case 

In a significant loss for the anti-Israel movement, the New York State Appellate Division for the First Department recently overturned a 2019 lower court decision that had ordered the university to allow SJP to form a chapter on its campus, explaining that “a national organization reported to have engaged in disruptive and coercive actions on other campuses, would work against, rather than enhance, respondent’s commitment [to] open dialogue and mutual learning and understanding” on the campus.


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Adopting the IHRA DefinitionA picture containing text, person, wall, indoor

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An ever-growing number of organizations, governmental entities, and campus communities are recognizing the importance of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism and adopting the definition in an effort to better educate others and provide effective frameworks for discussion. This article reviews recent developments in the campaign to expand adoption of the definition worldwide. 


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Reflections on Fighting Campus anti-Semitism

A Retrospective Look of This Past Hanukkah

by UIUC Student Ian Katsnelson (Times of Israel) 


A group of people protesting

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceIan Katsnelson, an undergraduate Jewish student, has been fighting against anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism on the frontlines of his university, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Katsnelson discusses his frustration at the lack of University support for Jewish students, their silence in the face of blatant discrimination, and his hope for the Jewish community to continue to shine through these threats. 

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Podcast: How we Fought Against: The 18-year legal battle to recognize Jerusalem-born US Passport holders as born in Israel


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Description automatically generatedThe International Legal Forum’s How We Fought Against podcast, hosted by Yifa Segal, recently sat down with Brandeis Center President, Alyza Lewin, for a discussion about the recent State Department decision that finally permitted American citizens born in Jerusalem to list “Israel” as their country of birth on their U.S. passports. The conversation includes an engaging discussion on the complex geopolitical, foreign policy and domestic factors influencing the decision, as well as larger issues surrounding the growth of anti-Zionism.


Read More & Listen to the Podcast


A Message from Kenneth L. Marcus

Brandeis Center Chairman Ken Marcus shares his thoughts and reflections on the Brandeis Center’s work in ensuring that the civil rights of Jewish students and citizens remain protected nationwide.

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He celebrates the dedication of modern-day Maccabees, who are fighting against anti-Semitism with the support of LDB, and explains how you can help.


Read the Full Letter