Rubaiyat of Omar KhayyamWe now learn that ISIS has a human face, beyond the heads its cuts off and gives to seven year-olds to display in its Syrian-Iraqi Caliphate.

There are Facebook postings, presumably by jihadi expats from the U.S. and Europe who either didn’t know about or don’t care about Robin Williams’ support for Israel. Instead, they reminisce warmly about how much as kids they had enjoyed “Mrs. Doubtfire” and, of course, “Aladdin.”

Now, they have shown their support for the flame of liberty in the U.S. How? By giving African Americans in Ferguson, Missouri, expressing rage about hyper-segregation or real or perceived police brutality, tips about making Molotov cocktails. Rioters in Missouri have spontaneously “given the finger” to President Obama as well as his traveling advance man Rev. Al Sharpton.

The Jin is indeed out of the bottle—everywhere.

President Obama, in a few years, will have time to express pride in his memoirs about what he has wrought for human rights both at home and abroad through his actions—and inactions—over eight years.

“The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on”—from “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.”