Watch the Webinar Here!

UKLFI Charitable Trust invites you to a webinar on How Recent ICC Decisions Affect Israel  featuring Arthur Traldi, the Brandeis Center’s newest attorney and international human rights lawyer.

Chair: Natasha Hausdorff
On Wednesday 15, December 2021 at 5pm UK time | 7pm Israel | 12pm Eastern | 9am Pacific

Arthur Traldi will speak about the significance of recent decisions at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for its “Situation in Palestine” investigation. He will cover

  • The Appeals Chamber decision in Kushayb, which set out for the first time rules about when the ICC may exercise jurisdiction over nationals of non-States Parties.
  • The recent budget request for 2022, which sets out which investigations will be prioritized in 2022.
  • The ending of most preliminary examinations, with three new investigations opened by the Prosecutor this year (Palestine, Philippines, Venezuela I) compared to only one last year (Afghanistan).