On Tuesday, November 3rd, the House unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution urging European countries to protect the security of their Jewish populations in the face of rising anti-Semitism. The resolution was introduced with the help of Rep. Peter Roskam, and his colleagues on the Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism.
Passed 418-0, the measure notes that “anti-Semitic rhetoric and acts, including violent attacks on people and places of faith, have increased in frequency, variety, and severity in many countries in Europe”, citing recent anti-Semitic massacres this year at a kosher supermarket in Paris and the Great Synagogue in Copenhagen during a bat mitzvah as evidence of religiously motivated violence.
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) was quoted saying, “The slaughter of these people, their persecution, leaves for humanity the thought: Have we learned nothing from the Holocaust?” he added, “European leaders must unequivocally send this message to their people and act to provide greater protection for their Jewish citizens”.
The resolution also “urges the U.S. government to coordinate with European law enforcement agencies to share information to mitigate potential attacks and train Jewish community groups to protect themselves.”
To read more, please click here.
To read the full resolution, please click here.
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