President Obama has failed to give a name to his “humanitarian” mission to relieve Iraqi religious minorities, the Kurds, and possibly four U.S. soldiers sent to a mountain to give the Iraqi military Alpine lessons.
I think he should name it Operation Pointless Proportionality. The U.S. airstrikes are also difficult to characterize exactly. Are they pinpoint, pinprick, or prickless?
With friends like Obama–who the Steven Spielberg Foundation recently gave a genocide prevention award–humanitarianism doesn’t need enemies. But don’t blame it entirely on the Obama Administration. The Bush Administration released the terrorist who currently leads ISIS which, in its tactics and strategy, is state-of-the-art. According to reports, ISIS has given eugenics a Muslim face by experimenting with Downs Syndrome children as suicide bombers.
Perhaps the American Studies Association will hold a Conference on “How Obama Saved the Mideast from Israeli War Crimes by Sacrificing Millions.” No doubt the Israelis are already taking notes from the Americans on the arcana of “proportionality.”
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