Historic Leipzig University takes stand against BDS

Historic Leipzig University takes stand against BDS

This historic resolution came into effect following a speech by Professor Lori Allen, of the University of London. Promoting her book, ‘The Rise and Fall of Human Rights: Cynicism and Politics in Occupied Palestine,’ as Benjamin  Weinthal of Jpost reports , pronounced support for a boycott of Israel and minimized the impact of terrorism on the Jewish State.

The students of Leipzig University, one of the oldest in the country – founded in 1409, led a charge against these claims, declaring BDS to be an anti-Semitic organization. The statement went further, declaring that the “dis-inviting of Israel scholars from conferences” to be an anti-Semitic action which stands against the University’s principles of equality and international collaboration in scholarship.

Led by the Alliance Against anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism Leipzig the resolution was soon supported by the Young Socialists and the Liberal student groups on campus. Certainly, the bill as well as the statement that supported it exhibits the solidarity of young Germans with Israel and highlights the inherent anti-Semitism of the BDS movement.