New York lawyers may be interested in this upcoming Continuing Legal Education opportunity provided by the New York County Lawyers’ Association:

Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 6:00 PM – 7:40 PM

Member Price: $50
Non-Member Attorney Price: $75
Intended Audience:

Non-attorneys (No CLE) may attend FREE. RSVP to [email protected]

Location: 2nd Floor Auditorium

Course ID: C061615

Credits: 2 NJ Credits: 1 Ethics; 1 General
2 NY Credits: 1 Ethics; 1 PP; Transitional and Non-transitional

Course Description:

While much attention has been given to the resolution of the case surrounding the Woman in Gold portrait, learn the facts and ethical considerations behind the current pending controversies regarding artworks looted by Nazi Germany, including Camille Pissarro’s “Shepherdess Bringing in Sheep,” currently residing at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art in Norman, Oklahoma and Egon Schiele’s “Girl With Black Hair,” currently at Oberlin College.

This fascinating discussion will look at the law, the history and the ethical considerations involved in the still unfolding cases resulting from the unfinished business of World War II.


Faculty: Raymond Dowd, Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP; Hon. Barbara Jaffe, Acting Justice, Supreme Court, 1st JUdicial District, New York, NY