Al Dura Hoax

Al Dura Hoax

Historian Richard Landes (Boston University) announces on his Augean Stables web site that the French court has delayed its decision on the Enderlin-Karsenty trial until May 22. This case concerns the extraordinary al Dura hoax, which has been used to foment anti-Semitic antagonism throughout the world.  Philippe Karsenty, a party to the case, offers the message below with some links that provide helpful background on the case.

Dear Friends,

We were expecting the al Dura verdict today but the French judges said that they have been unable to

Philippe Karsenty

Philippe Karsenty


They have postponed the publication of their decision to May 22nd.

Please, read:

–         French Court delays France2-Karsenty Decision till May 22!

If you’re interested in reading some recent articles about the al Dura case, here are some links:

Al-Durah: A lethal narrative and the innocent lives it continues to destroy…writes Arnold RothAl-Dura: a lethal narrative that just won’t die

Al Dura trial on alleged fake report of Palestinian boy shot (TV)

Warm regards,

Philippe Karsenty  

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