Good news: This month the Brandeis Center’s legal case at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (UIUC) enjoyed two successes: The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) agreed to open an investigation, while the University issued an important joint statement with LDB and allied organizations. Meanwhile, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East have intervened in support of LDB’s anti-BDS lawsuit against the American Studies Association. Read about these and other developments, as well as LDB Chairman Kenneth L. Marcus’s Newsweek challenge to the incoming Biden-Harris administration, in this edition of the December Brandeis Brief. As we approach year-end, we thank you for your tax-deductible donations and acknowledge that without you our work could not be done.

Read the Brandeis Brief here.



OCR Opens Investigation of UIUC Anti-Semitism

After several months’ review, OCR announced that it will investigate anti-Semitism allegations that Jewish students have made against UIUC. Students have faced bouts of anti-Semitism in different forms, over a period of years, at this institution.  LDB assisted with the complaint, working collaboratively with Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer, the Jewish United Fund, and Hillel International.

UIUC Acknowledges Zionism is ‘Integral to Jewish Identity

As the preceding article describes, UIUC has been under fire for its inaction regarding multiple anti-Semitic claims at the university. After LDB made public its OCR complaint against the university, UIUC issued an important Joint Statement on anti-Semitism, together with LDB, JUF, Hillel International and Chabad. The Statement sets an important precedent and will likely be looked to by other universities.

Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) Urges Court to Reject BDS Cover-up
SPME recently filed a “friend of the court” brief urging the District of Columbia Court of Appeals to reject an effort by BDS activists to stop a lawsuit against the American Studies Association. Three distinguished American Studies Professors, represented by LDB and others, filed the lawsuit in 2016 after a group of anti-Israel activists took over the association to push their anti-Israel agenda. Through the Center’s litigation, much has been learned about how these activists violated corporate governance procedures and the law governing non-profits as they hijacked the ASA for political gain.

Beat Our Civil Rights Record
Kenneth L. Marcus (Newsweek)
What does the next presidential administration look like for civil rights? Kenneth L. Marcus, Brandeis Center Founder, gives a nuanced explanation and offers a challenge to the Biden team.

Alyza Lewin on Anti-Semitism and How to Protect Jewish Students
Alyza D. Lewin, LDB Center President, recently participated in Hadassah’s event “Antisemitism on Campus: Two Women’s Struggle to Protect Jewish Students Nationwide.” Ms. Lewin appeared together with Adela Cojab Moadeb, the former NYU student who filed a Title VI complaint against the university. The women discussed how to use the law to protect students on campus and the importance of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of Anti-Semitism.

Fighting Racism, We All Have Skin in the Game 
Kenneth L. Marcus (Jewish Journal)
What does Wonder Woman have in common with some Jewish American college students? They have both recently been the victim of attempts to constrain them in a particular racial “box.” The New York Times’ Ethicist has entered the fray, only to make things worse. In this new article, LDB’s Kenneth Marcus explains how these problems can be resolved, both on the movie set and on the college campus.

The Legal Landscape for Jewish and Pro-Israel Students on College Campuses
LDB Center President, Alyza Lewin, participated in a CAMERA event along with Avi Feygin. They discussed the challenges confronting Jewish and pro-Israel students on campus today and how to use the law to combat anti-Semitism.

Global Imams Councils Adopts IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism
(Jewish News Syndicate)
This month the largest nongovernmental organization of Imams adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s definition of anti-Semitism. The Global Imams Council is composed of over 1,000 Imams from multiple Islamic denominations. Its decision reflects the diverse, widespread, and global support for the IHRA definition.

LDB Center Law Webinar in Law and Advocacy
The LDB center recently hosted a career development webinar for its national network of law students. The remote webinar featured LDB’s Director of Legal Initiatives, Denise Katz-Prober, JIGSAW coordinator Rachel Frommer as well as Arnold & Porter litigator Avishai Don and Prof. Michael Helfand. These established lawyer offered varied insights on the multiple career paths that can integrate legal practice with support for the Jewish community, religious freedom, and the battle against anti-Semitism
In This Issue:

Support LDB
Louis Brandeis Photo
The Louis D. Brandeis Center is a nonprofit organization supported by individuals, groups and foundations that share our concern about Jewish college students.  Contributions are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  To support our efforts to combat campus anti-Semitism, please contact us at [email protected].

12-11-29 Standing KLM photo
Kenneth L. Marcus
Can We Help You? 
The Louis D. Brandeis Center stands ready if we can help you to combat anti-Semitism in higher education. Please contact us if you are a student or professor who needs our help.  We are also available to provide technical assistance to university administrators who are interested in achieving legal compliance and best practices for eliminating campus anti-Semitism.
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