Reminder for Anti-Semitism Scholars:  This Friday is the deadline for response to the Call for Papers for Prof. Alvin Rosenfeld‘s 2014 international conference on “Deciphering the ‘New’ Antisemitism” at Indiana University.  Rosenfeld serves on the Louis D. Brandeis Center‘s academic advisory board as well as heading IU’s Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism (ISCA’s).  ISCA’s first two conferences were first-class scholarly events, so we strongly recommend that serious anti-Semitism scholars, regardless of discipline, consider submitting a proposal to Prof. Rosenfeld by the end of the week.  The official Call for Papers follows below (read more).

The Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism
at Indiana University


Deciphering the “New” Antisemitism:
An International Scholars Conference

Call for Papers

Date: April 6-8, 2014

Location: Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

Aims: The opening years of the 21st Century have witnessed a widespread
upsurge of antisemitism. In some ways this hostility resembles antisemitic
animosities of previous eras; in other ways, it differs from them. A
principal goal of this conference is to stimulate new research into the
diverse phenomena typically clustered under the term “antisemitism” and
search for the common elements that relate them. Papers that engage these
issues conceptually and not just descriptively will be especially welcome

In order to clarify the continuities and discontinuities between
present-day antisemitism and the antisemitisms of the past, attention to
earlier periods of history will be considered. The conference’s main
focus, however, will be on the forms of antisemitism that have manifested
themselves in recent years on a global scale and in multiple ways.

Of particular interest would be new scholarship on such topics as these:
the challenges of conceptualizing and defining antisemitism; the
ideological foundations of contemporary antisemitism; the functions of
antisemitism within the political right and political left; anti-Zionism
and antisemitism; Holocaust minimization and denial as manifestations of
antisemitism; state-sponsored antisemitism; antisemitism and
anti-Americanism; antisemitism and political Islam; campus-based
antisemitism; cultural, artistic, philosophical, and religious expressions
of antisemitism; the affective appeal of antisemitism; antisemitism and
the mass media.

Papers are invited from younger scholars as well as more senior scholars.
For oral presentation at the conference, papers should not exceed about 12
pages, double-spaced. For possible inclusion in a projected volume of
edited conference proceedings, papers should be 20-25 pages,

Manuscripts that show the promise of development into full-length studies
of their subject will be particularly favored and may be considered for
separate publication in Indiana University Press’ new book series, Studies
in Antisemitism.

Conference language: English

Conference Format: Papers presented at the conference should be restricted
to 30 minutes. All conference invitees will be encouraged to contribute to
critical discussion of the papers.

Instructions for Submitting Proposals: Proposals should be no longer than
2 typed pages, double-spaced. Please send to  [email protected], together
with your academic resumé, by March 15, 2013. Decisions about acceptance
will be sent to applicants by June 1, 2013.

Academic Advisory Board: Chaired by Alvin H. Rosenfeld, this committee
will read and assess paper proposals. Members include: Bruno Chaouat
(University of Minnesota), Dina Porat (Tel Aviv University), Maurice
Samuels (Yale University), and Elhanan Yakira (The Hebrew University of

Conference Sponsors: The Institute for the Study of Contemporary
Antisemitism at Indiana University and Indiana University Press.

Expenses: those presenting papers who require financial help can apply to
the conference sponsors for assistance with conference-related travel,
food, and accommodations costs.

Alvin H. Rosenfeld
Professor of English and Jewish Studies
Irving M. Glazer Chair in Jewish Studies
Director, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism
Indiana University
Goodbody Hall 306
Bloomington, IN  47405
(812) 855-2325