Trayon White
Trayon White, the Washington D.C. City Council member who recently invoked multiple anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, is back in the news this week after leaving a tour of the U.S. Holocaust Museum early and for donating to noted anti-Semite Louis Farrkhan. According to the Washington Post, White made the visit to the Holocaust Museum as part of his “public rehabilitation,” following his comments earlier this year that Jews control the weather. White expressed confusing sentiments regarding some of the photographs and items in the museum, insisting, for instance, that a group of Nazi Stormtroopers parading a German woman accused of having sexual relations with a Jewish man through the streets of Norden were in fact “protecting her.” Members of White’s staff also asked whether ghettos were similar to “gated communit[ies].”
White’s attempts to cleanse his image have included attending a Passover Seder, a breakfast with local D.C. Jewish community leaders, and now this trip to the Holocaust Museum. The rabbi leading the tour, Batya Glazer, reported that halfway through the tour White was nowhere to be found. Upon contacting him by phone, White informed Glazer that he had to leave for an event, something that could not be avoided. However, White was later spotted outside the museum, standing on the sidewalk. When pressed for comment about why he was outside and not continuing the tour, White pressed his cellphone to his ear and declined to comment. When asked if White had reassessed his comments concerning the anti-Semitic Rothschilds conspiracy theory he had advocated, White declined to comment. Speaking in a later Facebook Live video, White claimed that the reports he had left the tour earlier were “lies.”
White’s $500 donation to the Nation of Islam convention, headed by Louis Farrakhan, has also drawn sharp condemnation from his fellow city council members. The money, removed from White’s constituent service fund, was meant to be used in order to help members of the community which White represents. According to the Washington Post, Brianne K. Nadeau (D-Ward 1), Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) and Mary M. Cheh (D-Ward 3) have all called for him to be formally reprimanded over the donation. Several Jewish groups that have previously urged forgiveness for White said his financial support for Farrakhan was unacceptable. The Office of Campaign Finance may soon review White’s donation in order to determine if White can be reprimanded. Speaking about his actions on a Facebook Live video, White has stated that he is done apologizing, and will stand by his donation. “I am not resigning, I’m not backing down, I’m not discouraged, I’m not depressed, so run all the media stories you want because my people are going to support me” stated White.
Trayon White’s attempts to rehabilitate his image, and to listen to the Jewish communities concerns, were initially viewed as noteworthy. His recent actions, however, have made both his fellow council members, as well as the Jewish organizations who sought to help him, dubious over his commitment to unlearning his biases. White must step up and take responsibility for his actions, as the usage of anti-Semitic stereotypes, especially by our elected representatives, is unacceptable.
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