On October 16th, the LDB chapter at Cornell Law School will host Professor Abraham Bell to speak on International Law and the Arab-Israeli Conflct. Professor Bell teaches at the University of San Diego School of Law Bar Ilan University, and teaches and writes in the areas of property, copyright, international law, and economic analysis of law. Prof. Bell clerked for Justice Mishael Cheshin of the Supreme Court of Israel and for the High Court of Justice Department within the Israeli State Attorney’s office, and he is a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces. A highly sought-after expert on international law and the Arab-Israeli conflict, he has advised officials on four continents. His published articles on the subject include Palestine, Uti Possidetis Juris and the Borders of Israel (with Eugene Kontorovich); A Critique of the Goldstone Report and its Treatment of International Humanitarian Law; and The Mythical Post-2005 Israeli Occupation of the Gaza Strip (with Dov Shefi).
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