Several governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations, in the United States and abroad, have issued correspondence, reports and guidance documents which address anti-Semitism in the U.S., globally, and in particular contexts. We provide some of the most important governmental and NGO documents here as a resource.

LDB Chairman Kenneth L. Marcus Testimony before U.S. House Ways & Means Committee Hearing: ‘The Crisis on Campus: Antisemitism, Radical Faculty, & the Failure of University Leadership’

Ken Marcus Testimony 061324 FINALDownload

By |2024-06-17T09:29:28-04:00June 13, 2024|Government Documents, Highlights|Comments Off on LDB Chairman Kenneth L. Marcus Testimony before U.S. House Ways & Means Committee Hearing: ‘The Crisis on Campus: Antisemitism, Radical Faculty, & the Failure of University Leadership’

U.S. Dept. of ED Office for Civil Rights (OCR) – Dear Colleague Letter: Protecting Students from Discrimination, such as Harassment, Based on Race, Color, or National Origin, Including Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics (5/7/24)


By |2024-05-07T11:54:06-04:00May 7, 2024|Government Documents, Highlights|0 Comments
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