Alyza Lewin Discusses Anti-Semitism in the United States with American Christian Leaders for Israel
Spurred by the explosive growth of global anti-Semitism and concerned [...]
Spurred by the explosive growth of global anti-Semitism and concerned [...]
The International Legal Forum’s How we Fought Against podcast, hosted [...]
A single definition of anti-Semitism is an essential tool in the effort to combat anti-Semitism on schoolgrounds, college campuses, and society at large.
The Louis D. Brandeis Center For Human Rights Under Law [...]
State Department campaign could be groundbreaking By Kenneth L. Marcus [...]
The Jews’ historical case for a claim to Israel cannot [...]
On May 15th, 85 organizations, including the Brandeis Center, signed a letter organized by AMCHA Initiative that commended University of Michigan’s adoption of a Blue Ribbon Panel report, which stated that faculty should base decisions, such as letters of recommendations and other academic judgments, "solely on educational and professional reasons.” This panel was established by the university after professor Cheney-Lippold refused to write a letter of recommendation for a student who was planning on studying abroad in Israel.
The BDS National Committee hosted its sixth annual BDS National Conference, which was heavily attended by individuals associated with terrorism.
Re-posted from the The Emory Wheel, 4/17/19 By Sydney Kaplan, Jordan [...]
In late March, the University of North Carolina (UNC) and Duke University departments of Middle East and Islamic Studies co-sponsored a conference titled “Conflict over Gaza: People, Politics, and Possibilities.” The weekend-long gathering claimed to “shed much needed light on the current realities in the Gaza strip,” though it was wrought with Israel bashing and misinformation.