The Louis D. Brandeis Center provides sources of “best practices” information, documentation, advice and analysis for university administrators, counsel, faculty, and others – on a wide range of compliance matters, including issues relating to non-discrimination policies, the First Amendment, academic freedom, communications, orientation and training.

College and University Presidents’ Statement on Intimidation Free Campuses

The American Jewish Committee initiated a “College and University Presidents’ Statement on Intimidation Free Campuses” which was released, with the signatures of over 300 university and college presidents, in October 2002.

By |2024-01-31T15:37:48-05:00October 15, 2017|Communications|0 Comments

Classes Canceled: Monday, March 4, 2013

Early this morning, there was a report of a person wearing a hood and robe resembling a KKK outfit between South and the Edmonia Lewis Center and in the vicinity of Afrikan Heritage House. This report is being investigated by both Safety and Security and the Oberlin Police Department.

By |2024-01-31T15:33:26-05:00October 15, 2017|Communications|0 Comments

Northeastern University

When vandals used Swastikas to deface flyers announcing a Louis D. Brandeis Center event at Northeastern University, President Joseph E. Aoun immediately issued a statement that is exemplary for its promptness, firmness, and specificity, as well as for the fact that President Aoun issued it personally while announcing that the university police department is actively investigating the case.

By |2024-01-31T15:41:25-05:00October 14, 2017|Communications|0 Comments
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