ICYMI: New York Times opinion columnist Bret Stephens’ recent article “discusses the Brandeis Center’s case against Stanford University as a prominent example of the folly in using a “new racism” to solve an “old racism.” The new version of “equity,” he argues, has developed an “antiracist discrimination” to remedy older forms of racial discrimination, only to become a new form of racism:

To have something called a “whiteness accountability” group is insulting to everyone who still believes we should be judged by the content of our character. To expect Jewish staff members to be assigned to that group is obscene, particularly when the Holocaust is still a living memory.

Stephens argues that the “white accountability” groups described in LDB’s complaint are “insulting to everyone who still believes we should be judged by the content of our character” rather than their race or ethnicity. Stephens concludes that “it shouldn’t be hard to see that trying to solve the old racism with the new racism will produce only more racism. Justice is never achieved by turning tables.”

The full article is accessible here with a New York Times subscription.