The Brandeis Center is pleased to welcome three new members to the team, Michael Kleinman and Anne Crowell, as Civil Rights Legal Fellows, and Michelle Yabes as a Communications and Development Intern. Their arrivals come at a crucial time for LDB in light of our busy docket for the fall, which includes the launch of a new law student chapter, continued research and legal advocacy efforts in the face of a resurging problem of anti-Semitism  college and university campuses across the nation.

LDB President Kenneth L. Marcus welcomed Michael Kleinman, Anne Crowell, and Michelle Yabes, saying, “We are very excited to work with these new talented and capable graduates. They have been a great help to us thus far, and we are looking forward to seeing how they will continue to contribute to our campaign against campus anti-Semitism and in our work to promote justice for all.” 


11351264_10101837887605307_5711122104920041360_n (1) Michael Kleinman is a recent graduate of Emory University School of Law. During law school, Michael interned with Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center in Ramat HaGan, Israel, helping the organization to bring lawsuits against those who aid and abet terror attacks against American victims of terror in Israel. Michael is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania with a B.A. in Philosophy.


DSC_2935 (6) (1)Anne Crowell is a 2015 graduate of The George Washington University Law School. Anne has gained prior legal experience as an intern at Freedom Now and the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights. During law school, she served as a Managing Editor of The George Washington International Law Review and earned the Pro Bono Service Recognition Award and President’s Volunteer Service Award for her pro bono work with Hogar Immigrant Services, Namati Land Rights, and the GW Family Law Pro Bono Project. In addition to her J.D. degree, Anne holds a B.A. in International Studies from Dickinson College.


11113016_10153402905134672_4157495027664781496_nMichelle Yabes is a recent cum laude graduate of George Mason University. She majored in International Affairs, taking on a double concentration in ‘Global Governance’ and ‘Media, Communication, and Culture’, and minored in German and was awarded “Excellence in the German Minor” in Spring 2015. She has served as vice-chair of Indie Bands With A Mission (IBWAM), a local student-founded nonprofit dedicated to combating hunger in Washington, D.C with the help of local musicians, and volunteered with George Mason Catholic Campus Ministry for two years.