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So far bmackler has created 645 blog entries.

LDB’s Director of Legal Initiatives Aviva Vogelstein in Minneapolis

LDB’s Director of Legal Initiatives, Aviva Vogelstein, will meet with and speak to students at the LDB chapters at the University of St. Thomas School of Law and University of Minnesota Law School, on September 18 and September 19, respectively.

By |2024-02-14T10:37:10-05:00September 18, 2017|Events|0 Comments

Prof. Avi Bell at UC Berkeley

On Tuesday, September 12, 2017, the LDB chapter at UC Berkeley School of Law will host Professor Abraham Bell, to speak on Terrorism and the Law. Professor Bell teaches at the University of San Diego School of Law Bar Ilan University, and teaches and writes in the areas of property, copyright, international law, and economic analysis of law.

By |2024-02-14T10:38:46-05:00September 12, 2017|Events|0 Comments

Human Rights and Anti-Semitism in the Current Climate

LDB’s Kenneth L. Marcus will visit the North Carolina Hillel to address “Human Rights and Anti-Semitism in the Current Climate.” This event, to be held in the Genome Science Building at UNC-Chapel Hill, is hosted by NC Hillel and cosponsored by: Carolina Center for Jewish Studies...

By |2024-02-14T10:39:25-05:00September 11, 2017|Events|0 Comments

Eric Fusfield at University of Virginia

In the wake of recent events in Charlottesville and on UVA’s campus, Eric Fusfield, Deputy Director of the B'nai B'rith Center for Human Rights and Public Policy and Director of Legislative Affairs for B'nai B'rith International, will speak at the UVA School on Law on the topic of Global Anti-Semitism, Law, and Policy.

By |2024-02-14T10:40:10-05:00September 7, 2017|Events|0 Comments

California University Puts Students For Justice in Palestine on Probation

The University of California, Irvine, has sanctioned its local chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine with disciplinary probation for two academic years for disrupting an event held by a pro-Israel student group on campus the evening of May 10, 2017.

By |2023-12-14T14:01:58-05:00September 3, 2017|Media Coverage, Press Room|0 Comments

Indiana University Reports on Social Media Anti-Semitism

"With the advent of the Internet, antisemitic messages are disseminated more quickly and widely than ever before, and often go unchallenged,” opens a new report from the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism (ISCA) based out of Indiana University.

By |2023-12-14T14:01:58-05:00August 21, 2017|Media Coverage, Press Room|0 Comments
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