We are forwarding a message received from the UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) which may be of interest:
UKLFI and the UK Zionist Federation are organising a special legal tour in Israel from 12-16 February. They have an impressive program (or “programme” as they say over there), including visits to the Knesset, the Supreme Court, Ofer Military Court and Tel Aviv Commercial Court; addresses by the President and by leading Israeli lawyers and activists; examination on the ground of the issues relating to East Jerusalem and West Bank settlements; private guided tours of museums and sites; and more. They are still accepting applications for additional participants. They emphasize that one need not be an attorney to join this tour.
They will be staying at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The cost is £925.00 per person sharing a room, inclusive of half board, but excluding flights. The single room option is £1,220. For a cheaper hotel option please contact the people listed below. They say that the tour will be suitable for participants who keep kosher and Shabbat.
If you wish to make a reservation or would like any further information, you may wish to contact the following:
Ida Symons
ZF Israel Trip and Events Coordinator
[email protected]
00972 (0) 54 287 7002 from Jan 7th – 16th 2015
+44 (0)7879 494078 from Jan 17th
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