There are critics who claim that Arabs have never contributed anything much to intellectual progress, arguing that–despite a few astronomers and mathematicians–the achievements of the so-called “Islamic Renaissance” of the Middle Ages was generally the handiwork of a handful of Jews and Coptic and Nestorian Christians who often published using Arabic names.

Yesterday with an attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, however, adherents of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who slaughtered at least four people, using knives, axes, and guns, demonstrated that they at least can impact intellectual history.

Among their victims: Rabbi Moshe Twersky–the head of an English speaking religious college–and the grandson of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik. one of the founders of the Modern Orthodox movement.

Postscript: There is concern that the global supply of chocolate is beginning to run out. Query: What will Palestinians hand out to celebrate when innocent Jews are murdered in Jerusalem once sweets are in short supply?