The only “human rights concern” at stake in the 2014 Congressional elections was whether or not the Obama Administration would continue to enjoy U.S. Senate cover for its betrayal of Israel’s right-to-exist to soon-to-be-nuclear Iran.
Fortunately, this fig leaf has been unceremoniously stripped away by a disgruntled American electorate. Now, the Obama Administration stands naked, sure to be jeered at and mocked at every anti-Israel, pro-Iranian turn by victorious GOP politicians in both Houses of Congress who have every reason to sock it to the Nobel Peace Prize Winner in White House residence as well as his flibbertigibbet Secretary of State, and no partisan or ideological reasons not to.
This holds true even for Rand Paul—perhaps the biggest single political winner among Republicans from this election for his successful nonstop national campaigning for the GOP—who will go out of his way between now and the 2016 presidential primary season to advertise his born-again support for Israeli security even though, once elected, he could be no more relied on the stand with Israel in an existential crisis like 1973 than can Barack Obama.
The observe is true for Hillary Clinton who lost everywhere she and Bill went, and now faces the unenviable task of reigning in, in order to run a credible 2016 campaign (assuming she’s nominated), the unbowed jihadist groupies in her own party whose mantra is: “We CAIR enough.”
The prospects of a 2016 presidential race between an emboldened Paul (who shares in a modest way Bill Clinton’s political skills) and a weakened Hillary (not that campaign savvy) should be particularly discomforting for those concerned about Israeli security and survival in the potentially cataclysmic Middle East.
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