Believe it or not, there are roughly 100 like-minded slurs—probably even more than those aimed at Africans and African Americans. Here is just a partial list of nouns—some well-known, some not:
• 539 (“Jewish numbers” on phone)
• AMF (Short for “Arbeit Macht Frei”—Work Brings Freedom—which was on the gates of Auschwitz)
• Beanie (yarmulke)
• Beastie Boy (from the singing group for a Jew who “acts black”)
• Bible Shortener (rejects New Testament)
• Big Nose
• Bronx Indian
• Bun (as in “buns in the oven”)
• Canadian goose (Joseph P. Kennedy used this term in public to refer to Jews without anyone knowing he was doing so. Refers to Jews being loud—like the geese in Massachusetts)
• Christ Killer
• Dib (dumb Israeli bastard)
• Easy-Baked-Nigger (from World War II)
• Firewood
• Four by Two (Cockney slang rhyme for Jew)
• Gargamel (greedy Smurf character)
• Goldberg
• Half-Dick
• Hebe
• Hickory-Smoked (Holocaust reference)
• Interesting (applied by Gentile women to Jewish men they don’t want to date)
• JAP (Jewish American Princess)
• Jew Yorker
• Jewbacca (Reference to Chewbacca in “Star Wars”)
• Jewgaboo (for a Jew who “acts black”)
• Jewpac (play on Tupac Shakur’s name)
• Kike (various possible origins, most likely from the “ki” on the end of Ashkenazi names)
• Koshie
• Lampshade
• Mokey (for mocking Jesus)
• Mud People (applied to both Jews and Blacks)
• Oven Baked
• Oven Magnet
• Porky
• Schmata (I know from the movie, “Miller’s Crossing”)
• Sheeny (inversion of the Yiddish “shaine” or German “schon” meaning “beautiful”)
• Shylock
• Sixnose (six-shaped nose)
• Snipcock (reference to circumcision, used by Henry Ford)
• Stein (common name)
• Swamp Kike (disparaging Cajuns not Jews)
• Yenta
• Yid (uncertain origin, from Yiddish or possibly from the “O”—Yiddish for “circle”—with which illiterate Jewish immigrants signed their names)
• Yom (from Yom Kippur)
• Zionist
• Zog (“Zionist Occupied Government”)
Then there are the adjectives (not in alphabetical order): pushy, aggressive, ugly, noisy, stubborn, obnoxious, cheap, bloodthirsty, cruel, mean, mocking, irreverent, inconsiderate, impure, foreign, evil, perverted, diseased—and on and on.
Who thought that something new could be added in the twenty-first century? Yet it’s been done by anonymous high-up officials in the Obama Administration, in an off-the-record but semi-official interview with blogger Jeffrey Goldberg.
After disparaging Prime Minister Netanyahu as a cowardly “chicken shit” (add cowardly to the above list of adjectives)—in addition to myopic, obtuse, and blustering—for not bombing Iran, which he was warned not to do—they called him “Aspergy,” i.e., pejorative slang for a form of autism, Asperger’s Syndrome.
The Obama Administration has failed to make peace in the Middle East—in fact, inciting just the opposite. But it has expanded the lexicon of anti-Jewish hate.
A job well-done, Mr. President.
Clarification: I am not using “well-done” as slang for a Jew burnt in the ovens.
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