Sheikh Bin Bayyah

Sheikh Bin Bayyah

The Muslim Brotherhood was unceremoniously booted from power by Egypt’s no sissy General Sissi.

Yet its love affair with the West’s elites continues.

No less than President Obama in his recent UN Speech touted cleric Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah as a moderate voice for peace despite abundant evidence that Bin Bayh helps lead a Brotherhood front group that a few years ago urged “the death of Jews and Americans.” The U.S. State Department earlier this year apologized for and withdrew a tweet also praising the Sheikh—but this did not deter the President who apparently continues his bromance with the Muslim Brotherhood.

And now the giant advertising firm, Burson-Marsteller, has rejected Israel as a client while signing the Ennahda Party, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Tunisian branch, notorious for violent attacks on foreigners as well as its domestic opponents. Its leader, Rachid al-Ghannouchi, has predicted the end of Israel, supported Saddam Hussein’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait, and threatened the U.S. for its invasion of Iraq.

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