The spate of Islamist beheadings—of hundreds of indigenous Christians and Muslims in Iraq and Syria and a handful of Westerners in those places plus London, Algeria, and now Oklahoma—has been called “do-it-yourself jihadism.”

Whereas the 9/11 attacks required pilots’ licenses, these beheadings require only rudimentary butchering credentials.

Of course, the impact has been electric, exceeding anything which Robespierre achieved with the more humane guillotine. Indeed, it’s even been enough to awaken bootless President Obama from his torpor and obsession with Israel bashing, at least long enough for him to launch new pinpoint (or pinprick) airstrikes on ISIS/ISIL through the November elections.

The moral depravity and cynicism of the Islamists are indeed enough to make even Mephistopheles blush.

The latest revelation comes from Syria where Muhammed’s self-anointed moral preceptors are said to have forcibly converted to Islam journalist James Foley—censuring him for not treating his mother with appropriate Quranic respect—before the widely-publicized cutting off his head. In other words, he may have initially been promised the option of “convert or die”—but was ultimately given that of “convert and die.”

In the latest from Moore, Oklahoma, Alton Nolen, 30, a jailbird Islamic convert, was fired from Vaughn Foods after he harassed fellow employees with demands they also convert. He beheaded one woman, and injured another. This incident will give retiring Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department more food-for-thought. Will they classify it as just another instance of “workplace violence”—like the Fort Hood Jihadist terrorist, Major Hasan? Or will they call in the shrinks to classify it as just another case, not of evil doing by a (newly minted) Muslim, but of bad Christian upbringing of which Nolen was the victim?

Note that Wikipedia’s article on decapitation features illustrations from many places and times–but none from the heart of Islam.

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