Read “The Last And First Temptation Of Israel” for confirmation that blogger Andrew Sullivan is the most vicious, maybe the most dangerous American anti-Jewish demagogue since Father Coughlin in the 1930s was listened to by tens of millions of Americans for his monstrous rants against Jewish wealth, conspiracy, and power.

Like Coughlin, Sullivan is a media innovator—then radio, now the Internet. Like Coughlin, he claims to be more Catholic than the Pope. Like Coughlin, Sullivan defies traditional left-right tags, appealing to both extremes while having the audacity to classify himself as a “philosophical” conservative.

Sullivan’s motivation? Ideologically, he has convinced himself that “Jewish neocons” are behind a great anti-gay conspiracy. Financially, his anti-Israel rants have become his most popular, fueling his paid subscriptions at $10 a month each.

Sullivan not only puts all blame in Gaza on the side of Israel, but paints the Israelis as essentially a genocidal people who deserve their own medicine.

In the 1930s–when Coughlin’s bully boys terrorized Jewish school kids in Boston and New York–the American Catholic Church was to blame for not silencing him sooner. Now, ironically, it is the Jewish intellectuals who used to run the “New Republic” who are significantly responsible for not admitting their mistake in initially paronizing him and not doing everything they can to shame him into silence.

His rants also remind me, though without the forthright honesty, of Hitler’s declaration in January, 1939, that the Jewish people had declared war on Germany and the world and would be dealt with accordingly.
