As the foreign ministers of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Qatar, and Turkey meet in Paris to discuss possible extension of the Gaza humanitarian cease-fire, nobody has remarked that Turkey’s participation–given Prime Minister Erdogan’s recent characterizations of Israel as “worse than the Nazis”–is about as fair and helpful as Mussolini’s participation in Munich.

Reports from France are that judges are giving the few violent anti-Semitic demonstrators actually arrested anything from a slap on the wrist to a pat on the back. Those given short prison sentences may never serve a day.

Blogger Hillel Neuer quips that he is “deeply concerned that violent anti-Israel riots threaten to turn the West Bank into Paris.”

Michael Ledeen contrasts the situation in France unfavorably with “Italy, where big pro-Israel demonstrations are common, kosher restaurants, especially in Rome (the biggest Italian Jewish community at around 15,000), are very popular, the old Jewish quarter around the synagogue has become trendy and pricy, and Jewish festivals abound.”