U.S. Support for Israel

U.S. Support for Israel

A new Pew Research Center poll shows 51 percent American support for Israel compared to 14 percent for the Palestinians. The gap hasn’t changed much since 1978.

The significant change is in the partisan gap, with 73 percent of Republicans supportive of Israel, compared to 44 percent of Democrats and 45 percent of Independents. The Republican-Democratic gap of 29 percent compares to 5 percent in 1978.

Several comments are in order. An important driver of the partisan wedge was Jesse Jackson’s 1984 and 1988 presidential campaigns. The partisan difference is greater among activists, with recent polls show a plurality of Democratic convention delegates sympathizing more with Palestinians.

On the Republic side, the results may explain why Ran Paul tempers generally Isolationist views on the Mideast with strong declarations of sympathy for Israel rather than its enemies.

I find the relatively low level of support for Israel among Independents—I would have expected it to be 10-20 points higher—surprising.