The Tikvah Fund is has invited our nominations for potential attendees to its very well-regarded Fall 2014 Tikvah Advanced Institutes. This round, Tikvah will offer institutes in both New York and Jerusalem on topics including Religious Freedom in America, Israeli National Defense, The Hebrew Bible and Jewish Excellence, The Case for Nationalism, and more. Please let us know if you are interested in further information in the nomination process. The applications for these programs are open through August 10th, and Tikvah is now beginning the recruitment effort. There is no charge for the institutes, and the opportunity comes with a stipend to cover time and expenses. Below is a list of the topics of the fall institutes. Details about the Tikvah offerings and how to apply can be found at
Tikvah Advanced Institutes
- Israeli National Defense: Security Doctrine and the Balance of Forces with General Yaakov Amidror (course taught in Hebrew), November 9 to November 13, 2014
- The Western Tradition of Liberty with Ran Baratz and Peter Berkowitz, November 16 to November 20, 2014
- The Hebrew Bible and Jewish Excellence with Micah Goodman, November 30 to December 4, 2014
- The Case for Nationalism with William Kristol, December 8 to December 12, 2014
New York City
- Religious Freedom in America with Meir Soloveichik and Michael McConnell, November 3 to November 7, 2014
- Jews and Power: Literature, Philosophy, Politics with Ruth Wisse, Ran Baratz, and Elliott Abrams, December 1 to December 12, 2014
- Capitalism and the Future of Democracy with Yuval Levin and Christopher DeMuth, November 10 to November 21, 2014
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