ViennaThe European Sociological Association’s section on Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism is now one of the most important sources of research on contemporary anti-Semitism.  In advance of their mid-term conference this September in Vienna, the section has issued an interesting new call for papers on “Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism in the Shadow of the Holocaust”:


European Sociological Association

Contemporary antisemitism and racism in the shadow of the

RN31 Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism

Midterm conference 

Deadline for submitting abstracts: 22 May 2014

4–5 September 2014

University of Vienna

The ESA Research Network 31: Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism invites submissions of papers for its biannual mid-term conference. The conference will be held from 4 to 5 September 2014 at the University of Vienna.

We will hold sessions that focus on theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of research on antisemitism and racism, also in a comparative framework. The network’s perspective is to bridge an exclusive divide between the understanding of antisemitism and of racism, exploring the correspondences and affinities, but also the differences and contrasts. Our over-arching question is to understand what are the material conditions and the social, political and historical contexts shaping variations in antisemitism and racism, across time and across different European and global contexts.

Besides papers on general theoretical approaches to antisemitism, racism and ethnic relations, we are particularly interested in questions of contemporary antisemitism and how it relates to Holocaust remembrance and denial. Thus, papers on ‘secondary’ and ‘new antisemitism’ are expressly welcome. Our special concern lies in (but is not limited to) the following issues:

  • Theoretical/conceptual approaches to the actuality of antisemitism/racism.
  • How are antisemitism and Holocaust remembrance connected to each other?
  • What is the relationship between Holocaust remembrance/denial and ‘new’ antisemitism?
  • What is the role of right wing populism in the interconnection of antisemitism and Holocaust remembrance/denial?
  • How does Islamist antisemitism relate to contemporary antisemitism and Holocaust remembrance/denial?
  • Antisemitism, Holocaust remembrance/denial, the image of Israel and the (European) left.
  • Resentment and prejudice against Muslims in relation to antisemitism and Holocaust remembrance.
  • Relation of antisemitism, anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel.
  • How are antisemitism and Holocaust remembrance/denial involved in shaping new European identities?
  • How are antisemitism and Holocaust remembrance/denial related to European colonial racism and postcolonial remembrance?
  • How do all of these issues relate to nationalism?
  • What are the gendered dimensions of these issues?

During the sessions, each speaker will have 20 minutes. All presentations will be made in English. Please send an abstract including eventual institutional affiliation to the local committee of the mid-term conference: Karin Stoegner ([email protected]) & Nico Bechter ([email protected])

Deadline: 22 May 2014

This conference is sponsored by the Research Platform “Migration and Integration Research”, University of Vienna.