

In a recent article written for The Tablet, Kenneth R. Timmerman said that when he traveled to Gaza, Amman, and Damascus in 1994, he kept asking Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood leaders whether they thought the Jews had a plan to dominate the world. Timmerman recounted the enthusiastic answer one Hamas leader: “Yes, indeed. I have a copy right here.” The man then pulled down from a shelf his copy of an Arabic version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Says Timmerman: “It was a response I heard again and again.”

Why did that happen? How did a horrible anti-Semitic tract spread though the Muslim world? Once again, this was not a natural development; anti-Semitic hatred was cultivated by the Soviet government’s disinformation experts.

In 1948, when the state of Israel was re-established, Stalin hoped to fill it with Russian Jewish agents. His plan was to use them to transform Israel into a springboard from which he would launch Soviet expansion into the Middle East. In 1948, however, Golda Meir visited Moscow, and she was enthusiastically greeted by huge groups of Russian Jews. Soon, many of these Jews were promoting the idea of a mass emigration to Israel.

Fearing that such a movement would tarnish the image of the Soviet Union as a  “workers’ paradise,” Stalin unleashed a campaign against “Jewish speculators.” He dissolved the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, closed the Jewish schools, theaters and synagogues, and arrested prominent Jewish intellectuals.

When Israel developed strong ties with the United States, Stalin decided to portray the United States as a Zionist realm owned by Jewish money and run by a  “Council of the Elders of Zion” (his epithet for the U.S. Congress), who wanted to transform the rest of the world into a Jewish fiefdom.

Stalin charged his minister of foreign affairs with unifying the Soviet Union’s diplomatic and intelligence machineries and using them to create a West European aversion to American Zionism. This, he hoped, would eventually force the American “occupation” troops out of Europe. Once that was accomplished, Stalin wanted to use the same intelligence and diplomatic apparatus to help Western Europe “decide” to become Communist.

Thus, the Cold War was born. Stalin called it World War III. General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, who in 1949 created Romania’s political police, the Securitate, explained that WWIII was not directed against the American people. It was directed against America’s “Zionist bourgeoisie” and its militaristic sharks.

The Securitate‘s first major task in this effort was to help Moscow reignite anti-Semitism in Western Europe by distributing thousands of copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Protocols, which claimed that the Jews were plotting to take over the world, was an old forgery first published in Russia in 1903. It had been exposed as a fraud decades earlier, but it remained a favorite tool for the cultivation of anti-Semitic hatred.

Soviet leader and long-time KGB head Yuri Andropov began his fifteen year KGB chairmanship just months before the 1967 Six-Day Arab-Israeli War, in which Israel humiliated the Soviet Union’s most important allies in the Arab world – Egypt and Syria. Andropov decided to respond by attacking Israel. Before the end of 1969, Palestinian terrorists – trained at the KGB’s special-operations school east of Moscow – hijacked their first “Zionist” airplane and landed it in Algeria, where its thirty-two Jewish passengers were held hostage for five weeks. While this took place, Andropov and his minions used the media to depict America and Israel as threats to world peace.

The hijacking was a huge success for Andropov. It had been planned and coordinated by the KGB, but to conceal the KGB’s role, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (created and financed by the KGB) took credit. Andropov now wanted to cultivate terrorists from the Arab world who would carry out attacks like this with less direct Soviet involvement.

In 1972, Andropov launched an operation aimed at turning the Islamic world into an explosive enemy of the United States. The KGB sent an Arabic translation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (along with “documentary evidence”) to the Romanian foreign intelligence agency, the DIE.  The DIE was ordered to disseminate these materials into targeted Islamic countries. By the mid-1970s, the DIE was sending out thousands of copies every month.

The plan worked. As Kenneth Timmerman explained in The Tablet, there is widespread acceptance of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the Muslim world. In 2002, Egyptian television first broadcast a 41 episodes serialization of the Protocols, and it has been re-broadcast in Egypt and elsewhere since then. Arabic versions of the hate-filled tract are available today as Apps for iPhones and Android phones. (The image at the top of this post is an icon from one such App.) Unfortunately, people believe what they see and what they read. Just last year (2012), Egyptian television host Hussam ‘Aql called The Protocols “a matter of indisputable science.”

The hate deliberately cultivated in the Middle East was intended to turn Muslims into a Soviet weapon to be used against Israel and against the United States. From the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl to the attacks of September 11, 2001, it is hard to deny the evil or the effectiveness of Andropov’s wicked plan.

Part 1:

Part 2:

All three blogs are based on the book, Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism:
