Global news destination covering matters of Jewish interest, The Algemeiner, named Brandeis Center President Alyza D. Lewin to its list of “Top 100 People Positively Influencing Jewish Life.” The honor is also known as the “J100” list. President Lewin was selected for the “Community” category, alongside fellow luminaries including former Israeli Consul-General in New York Dani Dayan, International Legal Forum CEO Arsen Ostrovsky and Brazilian Israelite Confederation President Claudio Lottenberg.
Brandeis Center Chairman Kenneth L. Marcus praised The Algemeiner for this announcement, commenting, “None of The Algemeiner‘s illustrious honorees deserves this recognition more than Alyza D. Lewin. She works tirelessly to ensure that every Jewish student receives full protection under our civil rights laws. Alyza is brilliant, tenacious, and clear-headed. The Brandeis Center is fortunate to have Alyza on our team, and the Jewish community is well served by her passion devotion to the cause of justice.”
With the “J100” list, The Algemeiner, “tried to create something more meaningful, a list aligned with our core mission: the 100 people who have the most positive impact on Jewish life and Israel – men and women, Jew or non-Jew, who have lifted the quality of Jewish life in the past year…. In the compilation of this year’s ‘J100’ list we’ve placed particular emphasis on those standing at the forefront of assisting Ukraine’s Jewish community. Without these ‘J100’ – either the individuals or the organizations they represent – Jewish life would not be at the caliber it is today.”
The organization seeks “to inspire and motivate our young and the next generation, our future emerging leaders, in rising to the occasion and perpetuating the highest standards of our proud tradition and legacy – in serving and championing the cause of Jews and Israel….When the quality of Jewish life is raised, the quality of all lives is raised.”
“Not all the names on the ‘J100’ were included for the same reason. Some are being honored for their personal contributions, others for their work at the organizations or nations they head. Some on the ‘J100’ are long established stars, others newcomers.”
Along with The Algemeiner, please join us in “extend[ing] our deep gratitude to our ‘J100’ honorees and special guests, to those who support this great institution, and ultimately to our readers, the Jewish people, and friends of the Jewish people whom we serve.”
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