On Friday, May 11, Aviva Vogelstein, LDB’s Director of Legal Initiatives, has been invited to testify at a United States Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) Public Briefing, “In the Name of Hate: Examining the Federal Government’s Role in Responding to Hate Crimes.” At the Briefing, the Commission will examine best practices for local law enforcement on collecting and reporting data, and the role of the Education and Justice Departments in prosecution and prevention of these heinous acts. Commissioners will hear from local law enforcement and federal government officials, experts, academics, advocates, and survivors of hate. Vogelstein will testify on a panel with other civil rights legal scholars and experts. Testimony from this briefing will form an integral basis for the Commission’s subsequent report to Congress, the President, and the American people regarding the state of hate crimes and bias-related incidents across the nation. For more information on the Briefing, visit: http://www.usccr.gov/press/2018/05-11-PR-Sunshine-Act-Notice.pdf.
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