On Wednesday, April 26th the South Carolina public will get an up close and personal look at the fight against anti-Semitism during Citizens Advocacy Day. Citizens Advocacy Day is an event intended to bring more public awareness to anti-Semitism legislation, as well as give an opportunity to meet the organizations and legislators working to fight against anti-Semitism in South Carolina. The Louis D. Brandeis Center will proudly be joining organizations such as Stand With Us, The Israel Project, Christians United for Israel, Israel Allies Foundation, and the Jewish Federations of both Columbia and Charleston for the event. Citizens Advocacy Day will include the opportunity to hear key legislators speak, such as Alan Clemmons (R-SC), on the H-3643 legislation that is currently attempting to apply a widely respected definition of anti-Semitism to South Carolina’s public universities. This is a state version of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act that was introduced to the U.S. Senate last year. Similar bills have already been introduced in South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee.
The events start at 9:30 in Room 110 of the Solomon Blatt Building at 1105 Pendleton Street, SC State Capitol, Columbia. A complimentary lunch will be served and there will be a group photo taken on the capitol steps. This event offers a unique opportunity to both show direct support in the fight against anti-Semitism and to take part in the civic process that drives our nation.
For more information, see the flyer below.
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