The Brandeis Center is pleased to welcome our new law clerk and interns for the fall.


Civil Rights Law Clerk Samantha Crane is a first-year law student at UW-Madison, where she also received a B.A. in political science and journalism and certificate in Jewish Studies. While an undergraduate, she served as an editor on The Undergraduate Journal of Jewish Studies and was vice president of her sorority Sigma Delta Tau. Samantha also interned at the Wisconsin State Capitol and with the Brandeis Center.




Intern Bryn Schneider is a sophomore at American University in Washington, D.C., where she plans to major in Justice & Law with a minor in Public Health. She worked closely with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society throughout high school and spent this summer as an intern for Illinois State Representative Bob Morgan. Bryn is an Event Coordinator for her school’s chapter of CHAARG, a women’s empowerment workout group.


Intern Josh Feinstein is a senior at the University of Maryland double-majoring in International Business and Government & Politics. He is a returning summer intern and plans on attending law school in the future.





Intern Tzivia Lutch is an honors political science student at Touro University and a member of the Tikvah Fund’s Colligate Forum. Before joining the Brandeis Center, Tzivia interned at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims under Judge Mathew H. Solomson, the Coalition for Jewish Values, and the Endowment for Middle East Truth. Tzivia is looking forward to law school and a career in law and public policy.




The work our interns, clerks and fellows do is vital to helping the Brandeis Center pursue its work. We invite students to apply for 2023-24 academic year positions.