On June 9th, Hillel International Vice President Mark Rotenberg headlined the LDB Summer Speaker Series with remarks on “Academic Freedom and the Fight Against Anti-Semitism.” Rotenberg described the unprecedented rise of hostile environments for Jewish students, detailing efforts to connect the United States racial injustice narrative with the Palestinian struggle against Israel and the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas. Jewish students are now increasingly pressured to disavow their connection to Israel as the price to join other progressive movements or spaces. In this context, Rotenberg explained how the doctrine of academic freedom is misused in ways that cause Jewish students to face marginalization and discrimination. A core tenet of academic freedom, Rotenberg argued, is that professors should not impose any orthodoxy of understanding. Additionally, professors should work towards cultivating a respectful academic environment. Nevertheless, many academic departments have taken actions that discourage or silence differing viewpoints. In particular, Rotenberg described a recent wave of official statements by university departments containing canards about “Israeli genocide” and “ethnic cleansing.” Rotenberg, in dialogue with Kenneth L. Marcus and Alyza Lewin, gave suggestions for how these disturbing trends can be countered.
Watch the video here.
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